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A simple amqp client that facilitates publishing and subscribing to an amqp v0.9.1 RabbitMQ broker.

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A simple amqp client that facilitates publishing and subscribing to an amqp v0.9.1 RabbitMQ broker.


$ npm i @meowwolf/amqp-0.9.1-client


Import the module:

import { createRabbitMqClient } from '@meowwolf/amqp-0.9.1-client'
// or
const { createRabbitMqClient } = require('@meowwolf/amqp-0.9.1-client')

Create an amqpClient:

const amqpClient = await createRabbitMqClient(amqpConfig, exchangeConfig)

AmqpConfig {
  host: string
  port: number
  username: string
  password: string
  appId?: string - default: '@meowwolf/amqp-0.9.1-client'
  vhost?: string - default: '/'
  tls?: boolean - default: false
  prefetch?: number - default: 0
  autoReconnect?: boolean - default: true
  retryConnectionInterval?: number in ms - default: 5000

ExchangeConfig {
  exchangeName?: string - default: ''
  type?: 'direct' | 'fanout' | 'topic' | 'header' - default: 'direct'
  durable?: boolean - default: false
  autoDelete?: boolean

Consume amqp messages

addConsumer() expects an argument object consisting of a configuration object and a callback

await amqpClient.addConsumer({
  callback: message => {
    // .. do somethig with the message here

QueueConfig {
  queueName?: string - default: ''
  routingKey?: string | string[] - default: ''
  exclusive?: boolean - default: true
  durable?: boolean - default: false
  autoDelete?: boolean - default: true
  noAck?: boolean - default: true

Acknowledge amqp message


Publish a message

amqpClient.publish(payloadString, publishOptions)

PublishOptions {
  exchangeName?: string - defaults to exchangeConfig value
  routingKey?: string | string[] - default: ''
  correlationId?: string - default: ''
  headers?: GenericObject - default: {}

Publish a message directly to a queue

amqpClient.sendToQueue(payloadString, sendToQueueOptions)

SendToQueueOptions {
  queueName: string
  correlationId?: string - default: ''
  headers?: GenericObject - default: {}


A simple amqp client that facilitates publishing and subscribing to an amqp v0.9.1 RabbitMQ broker.




