Pixel art memory game, a fullstack web app, with database and API. It has a login that records game data per user and the easy, medium and difficult levels.
- Multi devices
- CRUD in the database
- Fullstack app
Tailwind, 🍍 Pinia, Radix Vue, Zod, Prisma, MySQL
To clone and run this application, you'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer. From your command line:
# Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/Merieli/memory-bits.git
In the root directory
. Configure the.env
file with the same variables as the/.env.example
file -
In the
directory. Configure the.env
file with the same variables as the/project/.env.example
file -
In the root directory
run MySQL database with Docker
# Execute the docker container
docker compose up -d
# Execute the container with bash
docker exec -it memorygame-db bash
# Access the MySQL terminal
mysql -uroot -p
# Later enter the password and use the Database
- Run Locally
# Go to the project directory
cd project/
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Start the server
npm run dev
This project is for study purposes, so contact me and let me know your ideas. All kinds of contributions are very welcome and appreciated!
- ⭐️ Star the project
- 🐛 Find and report issues
- 📥 Submit PRs to help solve issues or add features
- ✋ Influence the future of project with feature requests
Made by 🤍 Merieli Manzano