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A logic simulator for omegga.


  • omegga install gh:meshiest/logic


  1. Load the logic bricks v2.brs file for logic gate prefabs.
  2. Read the simulator rules below.
  3. Build some gates and wires.
  4. Run the simulation

Simulator rules


  • Wires must be 2x micro cube (smallest available) pipes (2x2xN) and have plastic material
  • Wires can connect to any wire of the same color within 1 microbrick in any direction (even diagonal)
  • Black wires (#000000) can connect to any color wire.
  • Gates can be made of any color, material, or brick type.
    • Add logic:gate:GATE to the console tag on a brick's interact component. (eg. logic:gate:AND)
  • Gate connectables
    • Add logic:io:NAME to the console tag on a brick's interact component (eg. logic:io:input)
    • Connectables must be on top of the gate (Z Positive). This is hard to tell with microbricks.
    • Wires connect to connectables adjacently
    • Connectables are ordered by content after the NAME[:<rest>]. logic:io:input:00, logic:io:input:01. This is a string compare so 10 will come before 1 but not 01.
    • Adding an ! to the beginning of the interact tag (!logic:gate:and, !logic:io:input) inverts the input (on non-simple gates) or all output on the gate.
  • All i/o to gates is adjacent (wires cannot communicate with gates diagonally)
  • Wires cannot connect to the top and bottom of gates


  • All gates are evaluated in order with input gates and buffers first.
  • Default power state is off, so if a gate is not powering a wire it will be off.
  • Gates with clocks clock on the rising edge (off->on)
  • Cycles must be broken with the buffer gate.


Simple Gates

gate indicators description
and input, output output is on when all input wires are on
or input, output output is on when any input wires are on
xor input, output output is on when one input wire is on
buffer input, output delays input by 1 tick

Inputs (Triggered by clicking on the gate)

gate description
button when interacted, powers for 1 tick
lever when interacted, toggles power

Outputs (Render bricks)

gate connectables description
pixel output Renders a glowing brick above the tile when powered
rgbpixel color, (optional write) Renders above the baseplate with a brick 1stud bigger in each direction. Color based on bit input of the color. Always ON if no write, on if tile is powered or inverted+off
gate connectables description
sr_latch input, reset, output standard SR latch
d_flipflop input, clock OR write, output standard D flip flop
jk_flipflop input, clock, reset, output (optional clear) standard JK flip flop (input=J, reset=K)
adder input, output an adder, counts the number of on inputs and outputs encoded value
mux input, address, output a multiplexer. requires #output to be divisible by #inputs, address is the address, output is the value of the addressed input
decoder input, disable, output a decoder. requires #output to be 2^(#input-1), disable turns off output input
mem input, address, (write OR clock), output, (optional clr) a memory cell. stores (1<<#address) #input-bit values, address is the address. writes only when write is on or clock is clocked, outputs the currently addressed cell. There must be an equal number of inputs and outputs. clr clears all data. Adding :fast at the end of io:write will make the memory read before writing.
rom address, config, output, data ROM. requires #output to be divisible by the data sent to config (logic:io:config:8, 8 being the word size. ) address is the address, can output multiple words in series


  • /go - compile the simulation
    • /go c - compile the simulation for only bricks in clipboard
    • /go r - automatically run the next 10000 frames
    • /go rc - clipboard + auto run next 10k
    • /go w - run without rendering wires (outputs only)
    • /go l - run with loose octree mode (faster on more bricks)
  • /next - render the next frame of the simulation
    • /next 500 100 - render the next 500 frames of the simulation at 10fps (100ms per frame)
    • /next 500 100 5 - render the next 500 frames of the simulation at 50fps (100ms per 5 frames)
  • /clg - clear wire signal bricks
  • !press - press buttons/levers