Longdo Map Framework Demo for iOS is a sample project of how to develop geoinformatics application on iOS devices. The Framework use map resources from Longdo.COM services yet allow developers to use other map tile standards such as TMS, WMS, and WMTS. The Framework provides most must have features allow developers to show markers on the map with a few lines. It also includes exclusive services such as POI tags, traffic events, and traffic camera. Inside the workspace consists of 3 projects inside, including
- Longdo Map Demo is the demo project for Longdo Map Framework 4.x with Swift UI.
- Longdo Map Framework Demo is the demo project for Longdo Map Framework 4.x with Xcode Storyboard.
- LongdoMapSDKTest is the demo project for Longdo Map SDK 3.x with Xcode Storyboard.
Have a bug or a feature request? Please feel free to contact us at info@mm.co.th.
Longdo Map Framework copyright 2012-2022 Metamedia Technology Co., Ltd. Demo code released under Apache 2.0 license.