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Links to Metadata Warehouse SQL Queries

The following links are to SQL queries that access Snowflake metadata warehouse, cleaning up their respective tables and making columns easier to parse.

Snowflake Tables:

Amplitude: Event Property Mapping

This repository contains a guide to processing a table describing usage metrics for the Metaphor platform.

Accessing Data

The table can be accessed via Snowflake. Metaphor customers are given permissions to a private view. The table name is events_<customer_id> e.g. events_metaphor.

Processing Data

Column descriptions can be found in Snowflake itself. Some columns, however, are event properties corresponding to specific EVENT_TYPEs. The following table aims to help identify the relevant columns for a given EVENT_TYPE.

Recommended workflow

  1. Identify the relevant type of event and its corresponding EVENT_TYPE in the table below

  2. Select the relevant properties in the second column that correspond to the key in events_<customer_id>

    Note: There are repetitions in the properties column, as more than one event-action may have a particular property See after table for example select queries

Properties for all event types

Each event property type contains the following fields:

Property Name Property Description Sample Values
eventType page_view_event or interaction_event
deployedDomain Hosted or deployed environment the event occurred on,
pageType full, slide, modal, error
page Page the event occurred on sign_in_page, search_page, person_page, home_page

Event types with corresponding properties

Each event type has its own relevant fields:
EVENT_TYPE Trigger + Event Description Property Name Property Description Sample Values
General sign_in attempted triggered when a user clicks on a sign in option on the /login route identity_provider The name of the identity provider the user attempted to sign in with google, okta
General sign_in_page viewed When an unauthenticated user lands on the sign in page
General sign_in failed triggered when a user unsuccessfully attempts to sign in to the app reason The reason why the sign in attempt failed unauthorized
PageViewEvent [page name] triggered when the user navigates to a url within Metaphor hash URL fragment section
query The query arguments search parameter in the browser URL contentType=myKnowledgeCards
Search search attempted When a user executes a search query by inputting a keyword and causing a request to be made query search keyword or query executed rides, *
context search context the query was executed under Dashboards, Datasets, KnowledgeCards, Persons, DBT_MODEL, LOOKER_EXPLORE, LOOKER_VIEW
interaction interaction performed by the user to trigger the search click, enter
latency how long the search result took to be rendered on the screen in ms 300, 20000
facets facets that were used to constrain the search authors, knowledge card types, hashtags
selectedFacets facets that were used to constrain the search [authors, knowledge card types, hashtags]
selectedFilters filters that were used to constrain the search [dashboardFilters, datasetFilters]
Search suggestion selected When a user inputs a set of characters in the search input field and suggested input is selected input characters entered to trigger the suggestion results rides, *
context search context the query was selected for Dashboards, Datasets, KnowledgeCards, Persons, DBT_MODEL, LOOKER_EXPLORE, LOOKER_VIEW
interaction interaction performed by the user to select suggestions click, enter
latency how long the suggestion results took to be rendered on the screen in ms 300, 20000
suggestion_selected value of the selected suggestion acme.ride_share.rides_by_month_2017
Search top_hashtag selected When a user executes the primary action related to a top hashtag hashtag the value of the selected hashtag subscriptions
Support feedback_form accessed When a viewer interacts with a link to navigate to the external feedback form
Support support_center accessed When a viewer interacts with a link to navigate to the external support / help page
cta the cta that the viewer interacted with on the top contributor interface search, profile, email, slack
Onboarding slack installed When a slack user installs the Metaphor Slack app person_id the identifier of the viewer PERSON~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
Engagement linege_graph interacted When a user performs any interactive action on a lineage graph num_nodes_shown the number of nodes in the lineage graph 1, 30, 40,50,100
asset_id DATASET~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
latency how long it took for the lineage graph to be rendered in ms 300, 20000
asset_type the type of the asset being viewed Dashboard, Dataset, KnowledgeCards
Engagement share_asset performed When a user interacts with the share interface and performs a related action asset_id global identifier for the asset DATASET~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
type the share action performed / interacted with by the user copyLink, shareViaSlack, shareViaEmail
Engagement config_ownership interacted When user performs a cta within the configured ownership interface
owner optional field that if filled indicates interaction a person captured in Metaphor DATASET~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
external optional field that if filled indicates interaction the external owner
Engagement knowledge_card creation_attempted When a user attempts to create a knowledge card cta the cta that the viewer interacted with on the configurable ownership interface profile, email, slack
card_type type of the card created HOW_TO_USE, INCIDENT, DEPRECATION
anchor_id the asset identifier for the asset that the knowledge card is created against DATASET~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
num_char_body number of characters that a person has entered in the main body, typically the description of the knowledge card 100, 200, 500, 1000
plannedDate 2021-11-02T22:18:40.420Z
Engagement knowledge_card filtered_display When a user successfully filters knowledge cards under the knowledge cards tab on an asset page filters authors, knowledge card types, hashtags
Engagement knowledge_card edited When a user edits an existing knowledge card asset_id global identifier for the asset KNOWLEDGE_CARD~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
Engagement knowledge_card unsuccessful_creation When a user attempts to create a knowledge card but exits out of the creation flow before successful completion did_change_defaults true, false
anchor_id the asset identifier for the asset that the knowledge card is created against DATASET~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
Engagement knowledge_card archived When a user archives a knowledge card asset_id global identifier for the asset KNOWLEDGE_CARD~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
Engagement asset_page from_slack When a slack user navigates to an entity page from a Metaphor Slack generated link asset_id global identifier for the asset KNOWLEDGE_CARD~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
Engagement asset followed A user follows an asset by interacting with a follow control to become a follower of that asset asset_id global identifier for the asset KNOWLEDGE_CARD~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
Engagement asset unfollowed A user unfollows an asset by interacting with a follow control to no longer be a follower of the asset asset_id global identifier for the asset KNOWLEDGE_CARD~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
Engagement governed_tag assigned When a user assigns a governed tag to an asset asset_id global identifier for the asset KNOWLEDGE_CARD~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
tag_id global identifier for the tag USER_DEFINED_RESOURCE~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
Engagement governed_tag unassigned When a user unassigns a governed tag to an asset that it was previously assigned to asset_id global identifier for the asset KNOWLEDGE_CARD~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
tag_id global identifier for the tag USER_DEFINED_RESOURCE~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
Engagement asset_description added When a user adds a crowd sourced description to a data asset asset_id global identifier for that asset DATASET~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
Engagement directory created When a user adds a new directory to metaphor directory_id global identifier for the directory NAMESPACE~4BD8F73EBEB8CB15E0B01547B0425FA5
name_at_creation The name of the directory at the time of creation my dir
Engagement knowledge_card created When a user successfully creates to create a knowledge card cta the cta that the viewer interacted with profile, email, slack
card_type type of the card created HOW_TO_USE, INCIDENT, DEPRECATION
asset_id global identifier for the knowledge card KNOWLEDGE_CARD~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
anchor_id the asset identifier for the asset that the knowledge card is created against DATASET~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
num_char_body number of characters that a person has entered in the main body, typically the description of the knowledge card 100, 200, 500, 1000
plannedDate 2021-11-02T22:18:40.420Z
Engagement lineage panel_opened When a viewer opens the analysis panel on a lineage graph when the mode is impact analysis asset_id global identifier for the asset DATASET~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
Engagement lineage impact_analysis_mode_shown A user opts to view the lineage graph in impact analysis mode by toggling the switch to the on state asset_id global identifier for the asset DATASET~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
Engagement lineage associated_user_list_accessed A user downloads, copies or accesses the list of users that are associated with a data asset under impact analysis mode access_type global identifier for the asset copy, download, view
asset_id global identifier for the asset DATASET~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
Engagement lineage node_details_viewed A viewer interacts with a node in the graph to show the details of the asset represented by that node within the rendered graph bounds The viewer must be in impact analysis mode to trigger this event and spend sufficient dwell time on the node asset_id global identifier for the asset DATASET~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
Engagement document copied A viewer copies a document using a copy document action asset_id global identifier for the document being copied KNOWLEDGE_CARD~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
Engagement document created A viewer successfully creates a new document asset_id global identifier for the document that was created KNOWLEDGE_CARD~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
Engagement document moved A viewer moves a document using the move document action asset_id global identifier for the asset KNOWLEDGE_CARD~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
moved_to_dir_with_id global identifier for the directory the document was moved to NAMESPACE~4BD8F73EBEB8CB15E0B01547B0425FA5
Engagement column_governed_tag assigned When a viewer assigns a governed tag to a column or field path in an asset column_names Array of affected column names / fieldPaths ["user_id", "order_id"]
asset_id The asset id for the dataset DATASET~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
tags_added Array of governed tag names added ["gold", "marketing/eu"]
Engagement column_governed_tag unassigned When a viewer unassigns a governed tag to a column or field path that it was previously assigned to column_names Array of affected column names / fieldPaths ["user_id", "order_id"]
asset_id The asset id for the dataset DATASET~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
tags_removed Array of governed tag names removed ["gold", "marketing/eu"]
Engagement column_description added When a viewer adds a crowd sourced description to a field / column on a data asset, typically a dataset column_name The column name that the description was created for order_id
asset_id The asset id for the dataset DATASET~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
Engagement bulk_action governed_tags_updated When a viewer updates the governed tags for a set of assets using the bulk action feature to select one or more assets number_of_objects_impacted The number of objects (assets, columns, etc) selected and acted upon in the bulk operation 1,4,30
tags_added Array of governed tag names added ["gold", "marketing/eu"]
tags_removed Array of governed tag names removed ["gold", "marketing/eu"]
Engagement bulk_action asset_contacts_updated When a viewer updates / manages the asset contacts for a set of assets using the bulk action features to select one or more assets number_of_objects_impacted The number of objects (assets, columns, etc) selected and acted upon in the bulk operation 1,5,23
contacts_types_added The array of unique identifiers for the contact types that were added ["USER_DEFINED_RESOURCE~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D"]
contacts_types_removed The array of unique identifiers for the contact types that were removed ["USER_DEFINED_RESOURCE~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D"]
Engagement who_viewed_this_asset opened When a viewer toggles open a control displaying the people who have viewed an asset asset_id global identifier for the asset DATASET~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
Engagement directory documents_filtered When a viewer successfully filters documents under a directory page statuses Array of statuses used to filter the directory ["ARCHIVED" , "DRAFT" , "PUBLISHED"]
tags Array of governed tag names used to filter the directory ["gold", "marketing/eu"]
directory_id global identifier for the directory NAMESPACE~4BD8F73EBEB8CB15E0B01547B0425FA5
Engagement change_request sent When a change request is sent by a viewer anchor_id global identifier for the anchor asset DATASET~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
asset_id global identifier for the change request that was sent KNOWLEDGE_CARD~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
Engagement change_request status_change_attempted When user attempts to change the status asset_id global identifier for the change request KNOWLEDGE_CARD~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
status The current status of the change request OPEN
Engagement change_request status_changed When the status of a change request is changed asset_id global identifier for the change request KNOWLEDGE_CARD~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
status The new status of the change request CLOSED
Engagement change_request acknowledged When a change request is acknowledged by a recipient anchor_id global identifier for the anchor asset DATASET~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
asset_id global identifier for the change request that was acknowledged KNOWLEDGE_CARD~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
Engagement data_group created A viewer successfully creates a new data group (data domain) data_group_id global identifier for the document that was created NAMESPACE~4E9584DFBF78A16886E7D234393C1304
Engagement data_group moved A viewer moves a data_group (data domain) using the move domain action data_group_id global identifier for the data group NAMESPACE~944F076881BEE131E05C6B39134E4FD9
moved_to_parent_id global identifier for the destination data group the source domain was moved to. Will be null if moved to the top level NAMESPACE~4BD8F73EBEB8CB15E0B01547B0425FA5
Engagement directory moved A viewer moves a user_defined_space (directory) using the move directory action directory_id global identifier for the directory NAMESPACE~16434633EB85DF03EC87B003FB882E90
moved_to_parent_id global identifier for the destination directory the source directory was moved to. Will be null if moved to the top level NAMESPACE~16434633EB85DF03EC87B003FB882E90
Engagement additional_asset_likers shown A viewer revealed a list of additional people who liked an asset asset_id global identifier for the asset that was opened KNOWLEDGE_CARD~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
performed_by_author indicates that the action was performed by the author of the related asset true, false
Engagement app_home opened A user open Slack Metaphor Home tab
Engagement link_unfurling performed When a user share Metaphor asset in Slack or Teams asset_id global identifier for the asset that was shared KNOWLEDGE_CARD~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
Engagement share_asset attempted When a user interacts with the share dialog asset_id global identifier for the asset that was opened the share dialog in Slack KNOWLEDGE_CARD~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
Engagement version_history history_list_shown When a viewer opens the version history list asset_id global identifier for the asset the version history list was shown for DATASET~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
Engagement version_history version_requested When a viewer successfully requests a previous version of an asset to be viewed asset_id global identifier for the asset the version history list was shown for DATASET~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
version_id identifer for the selected version 63bef5bf9588a3c08edaf637
Engagement app installed When a user install the application
Engagement app uninstalled When a user uninstall the application
Engagement asset pinned A viewer pins an asset into thier personal pins collection by interacting with a pin control asset_id global identifier for the asset that was pinned KNOWLEDGE_CARD~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
Engagement asset unpinned A viewer unpins an asset into thier personal pins collection by interacting with a pin / unpin control asset_id global identifier for the asset that was unpinned KNOWLEDGE_CARD~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
Engagement request_instance_form shown The request an instance form is made visible to the viewer viewer_email The email of the logged in user may be different from the submitted email if the form is eventually submitted username@company_domain.tld
Engagement request_instance_form submitted The request an instance calendar form is submitted by the viewer viewer_email The email of the logged in user, may be different from the submitted email username@company_domain.tld
Engagement asset_contact updated When a viewer updates the asset contacts for an asset contact_types_added The array of unique identifiers for the contact types that were added ["USER_DEFINED_RESOURCE~2AE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D"]
Search semantic search attempted query The query entered by the user How is revenue calculated
qaResponse The response returned by the bot (expected to be a string of around 4-5 lines) Revenue is calculated by multipling number of units times sales price
When a user queries the Slack/Teams bot to run a semantic search searchResults The search results returned by the bot ["", ""]
Engagement coverage_analytics shown The coverage analytics widget is made visible to the viewer
Engagement saved_search created When a user saves search query to the "saved searches" name Name of the saved search Datasets with tags
keyword Search query has:tag
context Search context Datasets
facetsJSON Search filters if any {}
Engagement saved_search applied When a user applies saved search to see the results name Name of the saved search John's Dashboards
keyword Search query author:john
context Search context Dashboards
facetsJSON facetsJSON {}
Onboarding persona created When user picks persona from onboarding page after login persona Persona value that user picks DATA_PRODUCER
Onboarding persona updated When user changes persona from profile setting page persona Persona value that user picks from dropdown DATA_PRODUCER
Engagement universal_search liked When user likes the universal search answer question The question to be answered What is KPI?
answer The answer which user likes KPI stands for Key Performance Indicator.
Engagement universal_search disliked When user dislikes the universal search answer question The question to be answered What is KPI?
answer The answer which user likes KPI stands for Key Performance Indicator.
feedback The additional feedback user entered when disliking the answer The answer isn't accurate
Engagement extension_popup opened When user opens extension popup by clicking on the extesion icon or draggable widget asset_id global identifier for the asset that was opened in the extension popup DASHBOARD~08D4646C256048E699349C372C3322C6
Engagement extension_popup closed When user closes extension popup by clicking on the extesion icon, draggable widget or outside of the popup asset_id global identifier for the asset that was closed in the extension popup DASHBOARD~08D4646C256048E699349C372C3322C6
General extension installed When user installs extenion, enters their company domain and opens extension popup for the very first time
Engagement list_of_viewers_from_source_system shown When user opens a side panel for the lineage node, goes to Impact Analysis tab and click on the button, that reveals list of all viewers from the source system for that asset asset_id global identifier for the asset list of viewers was opened for DASHBOARD~08D4646C256048E699349C372C3322C6
Engagement list_of_subscribers_from_source_system shown When user opens a side panel for the lineage node, goes to Impact Analysis tab and click on the button, that reveals list of all subscribers from the source system for that asset asset_id global identifier for the asset list of subscribers was opened for DASHBOARD~08D4646C256048E699349C372C3322C6
Search search_result primary_action_performed Viewer performed the primary action on a search result after viewing a set of search results query search keyword or query executed rides, *
context search context the query was executed under Dashboards, Datasets, KnowledgeCards, Persons, DBT_MODEL, LOOKER_EXPLORE, LOOKER_VIEW
position The 1-based index of the search result within the result set for the current query 1, 10
asset_id global identifier for the asset that was clicked DASHBOARD~08D4646C256048E699349C372C3322C6
facets facets that were used to constrain the search authors, knowledge card types, hashtags
Search search_result impression A search result has been displayed in the viewport and may have been viewed by a viewer query search keyword or query executed rides, *
context search context the query was executed under Dashboards, Datasets, KnowledgeCards, Persons, DBT_MODEL, LOOKER_EXPLORE, LOOKER_VIEW
asset_id global identifier for the asset that was impressed DASHBOARD~08D4646C256048E699349C372C3322C6
position The 1-based index of the search result within the result set for the current query 1, 10
facets facets that were used to constrain the search authors, knowledge card types, hashtags
Engagement search_result_action_menu opened When user opens the search result action menu query search keyword or query executed rides, *
Engagement non_production_assets_switch changed When the non-prod assets switch state changed state The new state of the switch. "true" means non-prod assets are shown, "false" means non-prod assets are hidden. true/false
Engagement comment added When a viewer adds a new comment, typically to a knowledge card (post / notice) comment_id The id of the newly added comment or reply KNOWLEDGE_CARD~55E5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234D
asset_id The asset id that the comment / reply applies to KNOWLEDGE_CARD~2BE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC2344
is_reply Indicates if this is a reply to another comment / reply in a thread true/false
parent_comment_id Optional. Present if this is a reply to a comment KNOWLEDGE_CARD~AAE5D58F67BA72CBD8F94604F7FC234C
Search search_result non_primary_action_performed Viewer performed the non-primary call to action on a search result after viewing a set of search results query search keyword or query executed rides, *
context search context the query was executed under Dashboards, Datasets, KnowledgeCards, Persons, DBT_MODEL, LOOKER_EXPLORE, LOOKER_VIEW
position The 1-based index of the search result within the result set for the current query 1, 10
asset_id global identifier for the asset that was impressed DASHBOARD~08D4646C256048E699349C372C3322C6
facets facets that were used to constrain the search authors, knowledge card types, hashtags
label The display name or label specifying the call to action for the secondary search result control Quick View, Follow
Engagement support_widget opened When a viewer opens the support widget - Intercom or Canny widget Identificator of the widget to be opened intercom' or 'canny';
Engagement data_quality_widget opened When a viewer opens the data quality widget on an asset page dataQualityStatus Asset data quality status "TRANSITIVE_WARNING" | "ERROR" | "PASSED" | "UNKNOWN" | "WARNING"
Engagement data_quality_widget closed When a viewer closes the data quality widget on an asset page dataQualityStatus Asset data quality status "TRANSITIVE_WARNING" | "ERROR" | "PASSED" | "UNKNOWN" | "WARNING"
Engagement data_quality_source_asset viewed When a viewer clicks on the source asset in data quality widget dataQualityStatus Asset data quality status "TRANSITIVE_WARNING" | "ERROR" | "PASSED" | "UNKNOWN" | "WARNING"
Engagement data_quality_show_details clicked When a viewer clicks on the show details button in lineage side panel dataQualityStatus Asset data quality status "TRANSITIVE_WARNING" | "ERROR" | "PASSED" | "UNKNOWN" | "WARNING"
Engagement data_quality_column_status clicked When a viewer clicks on the column status in columns tab dataQualityStatus Column data quality status "TRANSITIVE_WARNING" | "ERROR" | "PASSED" | "UNKNOWN" | "WARNING"
Engagement common_attribute added When a viewer creates a common attribute name the name of the common attribute user_id, AVERAGE_COUNT
tags_count how many tags associated with common attribute 42
contacts_count how many contacts associated with common attribute 10
Engagement common_attribute deleted When a viewer deletes a common attribute name the name of the common attribute user_id, AVERAGE_COUNT
tags_count how many tags associated with common attribute 42
contacts_count how many contacts associated with common attribute 10
Engagement common_attribute edited When a viewer edits a common attribute name the name of the common attribute user_id, AVERAGE_COUNT
tags_count how many tags associated with common attribute 42
contacts_count how many contacts associated with common attribute 10
Engagement common_attribute_creation cancelled When a viewer cancels common attribute creation flow
Engagement activity_feed_item interaction A viewer engages with an activity feed item by clicking a link, button element on the feed feed_position The 1-based index of the activity feed item within the rendered feed 1, 10
asset_id global identifier for the asset represented by the feed item the viewer interacted with DASHBOARD~08D4646C256048E699349C372C3322C6
asset_name The human readable name of the asset represented by the feed item cleaned_bike_rides
Engagement activity_feed impression An activity feed is rendered in the DOM and visible to the viewer
Engagement activity_feed_item impression An activity feed item has been displayed in the viewport and may have been viewed by a viewer feed_position The 1-based index of the activity feed item within the rendered feed 1, 10
asset_id global identifier for the asset represented by the feed item the viewer interacted with DASHBOARD~08D4646C256048E699349C372C3322C6
asset_name The human readable name of the asset represented by the feed item cleaned_bike_rides
Engagement activity_feed content_added More content is requested and added when the user scrolls the activity feed size The number of additional items that were added to the feed 30

Example Queries

Selecting all columns

FROM events_<customer_id>

Selecting relevant columns for event type: Engagement saved_search created

FROM events_<customer_id>
WHERE EVENT_TYPE = 'Engagement saved_search created';

Getting list of semantic searches and results

FROM events_<customer_id>
WHERE EVENT_TYPE = 'Search semantic search attempted';

Identifying most popular search queries

FROM events_<customer_id>
WHERE EVENT_TYPE = 'Search search attempted'

Identifying most popular search filters

FROM events_<customer_id>
WHERE EVENT_TYPE = 'Search search attempted'

Getting ordered list of identity providers for sign-ins

FROM events_<customer_id>
WHERE EVENT_TYPE = 'General sign_in attempted'

Identifying users that are signing in the most

FROM events_<customer_id>
WHERE EVENT_TYPE = 'General sign_in attempted'

Identifying users using the semantic search the most

FROM events_<customer_id>
WHERE EVENT_TYPE = 'Search semantic search attempted'


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published


No packages published