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491 lines (432 loc) · 19.4 KB


Get all products

Returns all products offered together with the specified services. Note this operation uses Pagination and supports Portfolio Access Tokens.



  "ClientToken": "E0D439EE522F44368DC78E1BFB03710C-D24FB11DBE31D4621C4817E028D9E1D",
  "AccessToken": "C66EF7B239D24632943D115EDE9CB810-EA00F8FD8294692C940F6B5A8F9453D",
  "Client": "Sample Client 1.0.0",
  "ServiceIds": [
  "UpdatedUtc": {
    "StartUtc": "2023-10-01T00:00:00Z",
    "EndUtc": "2023-10-31T00:00:00Z"
  "Limitation": {
    "Count": 10
Property Type Contract Description
ClientToken string required Token identifying the client application.
AccessToken string required Access token of the client application.
Client string required Name and version of the client application.
EnterpriseIds array of string optional, max 1000 items Unique identifiers of the Enterprises. If not specified, the operation returns data for all enterprises within scope of the Access Token.
ProductIds array of string optional, max 1000 items Unique identifiers of the product.
ServiceIds array of string required, max 1000 items Unique identifiers of the Services.
UpdatedUtc Time interval optional, max length 3 months Interval in which the products were updated.
IncludeDefault boolean optional Whether or not to include default products for the service, i.e. products which are standard includes and not true extras. For example, the night's stay would be the default product for a room reservation. These may be useful for accounting purposes but should not be displayed to customers for selection. If ProductIds are provided, IncludeDefault defaults to true, otherwise it defaults to false.
Limitation Limitation required Limitation on the quantity of data returned and optional Cursor for the starting point of data.


  "Products": [
      "Id": "198bc308-c1f2-4a1c-a827-c41d99d52f3d",
      "ServiceId": "bd26d8db-86da-4f96-9efc-e5a4654a4a94",
      "CreatedUtc": "2023-10-01T11:48:57Z",
      "UpdatedUtc": "2023-10-28T11:48:57Z",
      "CategoryId": null,
      "AccountingCategoryId": "6535e19e-1077-49d9-a338-67bf4ffecb14",
      "IsActive": true,
      "Names": {
        "en-US": "Breakfast"
      "ExternalNames": {
        "en-US": "Breakfast"
      "ShortNames": {
        "en-US": "BFST"
      "Descriptions": {
        "en-US": "Nice continental breakfast."
      "ChargingMode": "PerPersonPerTimeUnit",
      "PostingMode": "Once",
      "Options": {
        "BillAsPackage": false
      "Promotions": {
        "BeforeCheckIn": false,
        "AfterCheckIn": false,
        "DuringStay": false,
        "BeforeCheckOut": false,
        "AfterCheckOut": false,
        "DuringCheckOut": false
      "Classifications": {
        "Food": false,
        "Beverage": false,
        "Wellness": false,
        "CityTax": false
      "Price": {
        "GrossValue": 25,
        "Currency": "EUR",
        "TaxValues": [
            "Code": "FR-T"
      "ExternalIdentifier": "PROD-BFST-009"
  "CustomerProducts": [
      "Id": "198bc308-c1f2-4a1c-a827-c41d99d52f3d",
      "ServiceId": "bd26d8db-86da-4f96-9efc-e5a4654a4a94",
      "CreatedUtc": "2023-10-01T11:48:57Z",
      "UpdatedUtc": "2023-10-28T11:48:57Z",
      "CategoryId": null,
      "AccountingCategoryId": "6535e19e-1077-49d9-a338-67bf4ffecb14",
      "IsActive": true,
      "Names": {
        "en-US": "Breakfast"
      "ExternalNames": {
        "en-US": "Breakfast"
      "ShortNames": {
        "en-US": "BFST"
      "Descriptions": {
        "en-US": "Nice continental breakfast."
      "ChargingMode": "PerPersonPerTimeUnit",
      "PostingMode": "Once",
      "Options": {
        "BillAsPackage": false
      "Promotions": {
        "BeforeCheckIn": false,
        "AfterCheckIn": false,
        "DuringStay": false,
        "BeforeCheckOut": false,
        "AfterCheckOut": false,
        "DuringCheckOut": false
      "Classifications": {
        "Food": false,
        "Beverage": false,
        "Wellness": false,
        "CityTax": false
      "Price": {
        "GrossValue": 25,
        "Currency": "EUR",
        "TaxValues": [
            "Code": "FR-T"
      "ExternalIdentifier": "PROD-BFST-009"
  "Cursor": "198bc308-c1f2-4a1c-a827-c41d99d52f3d"
Property Type Contract Description
Products array of Product required Products offered with the service.
CustomerProducts array of Product required Products offered specifically to customers.
Cursor string optional Unique identifier of the last and hence oldest product returned. This can be used in Limitation in a subsequent request to fetch the next batch of older products.


Property Type Contract Description
Id string required Unique identifier of the product.
ServiceId string required Unique identifier of the Service.
CategoryId string optional Unique identifier of the Product category.
AccountingCategoryId string optional Unique identifier of Accounting Category.
IsActive boolean required Whether the product is still active.
Names Localized text required All translations of the name.
ExternalNames Localized text required All translations of external name.
ShortNames Localized text required All translations of short name.
Descriptions Localized text optional All translations of descriptions.
ChargingMode Product charging mode required Charging mode of the product.
PostingMode Product posting mode required Charging mode of the product.
Options Product options required Options of the product.
Promotions Promotions required Promotions of the product.
Classifications Product classifications required Classifications of the product.
Price Extended amount required Price representing price of the product.
ImageIds array of string optional Unique identifier of the product image.
Ordering integer required Order value for presentation purposes.
ExternalIdentifier string optional, max length 255 characters Identifier of the product from external system.
CreatedUtc string required Creation date and time of the product in UTC timezone in ISO 8601 format.
UpdatedUtc string required Last update date and time of the product in UTC timezone in ISO 8601 format.
ConsumptionMoment Product consumption moment required Consumption moment of the product.
IsDefault boolean required Deprecated!
Name string optional Name of the product. Deprecated! Please use Names Deprecated! Use Names instead.
ExternalName string optional Name of the product meant to be displayed to customer. Deprecated! Please use ExternalNames Deprecated! Use ExternalNames instead.
ShortName string optional Short name of the product. Deprecated! Please use ShortNames Deprecated! Use ShortNames instead.
Description string optional Description of the product. Deprecated! Please use Descriptions Deprecated! Use Descriptions instead.
Charging Product charging mode required Deprecated!
Posting Product posting required Deprecated!
Pricing Product pricing required Deprecated! Use Price instead.

Product charging mode

  • Once
  • PerTimeUnit
  • PerPersonPerTimeUnit
  • PerPerson

Product posting

  • Once
  • Daily

Product posting mode

  • Once
  • PerTimeUnit

Product options

Property Type Contract Description
BillAsPackage boolean required Product should be displayed as part of a package.

Product classifications

Property Type Contract Description
Food boolean required Product is classified as food.
Beverage boolean required Product is classified as beverage.
Wellness boolean required Product is classified as wellness.
CityTax boolean required Product is classified as city tax.

Product pricing

Property Type Contract Description
Discriminator Product pricing data discriminator required Determines type of value.
Value object required Structure of object depends on Discriminator.

Product pricing data discriminator

  • Absolute
  • Relative

Relative product price

Property Type Contract Description
Multiplier number required Deprecated!
Target string optional Deprecated!
TaxRateCodes array of string optional Deprecated!
ProductIds array of string optional Deprecated!

Product consumption moment

  • ServiceOrderEnd
  • ServiceOrderStart
  • PostingTimeUnit
  • NextTimeUnit

Get product pricing


This operation is currently in beta-test and as such it is subject to change.

Returns prices for a given product for a specified time interval. UTC timestamps must correspond to the start boundary of a time unit, e.g. 00:00 converted to UTC for a time unit of "Day". Other timestamps are not permitted. The maximum size of time interval depends on the service's time unit: 100 hours if hours, 100 days if days, or 24 months if months. For more information about time units, see Time unit. This operation supports Portfolio Access Tokens.



  "ClientToken": "E0D439EE522F44368DC78E1BFB03710C-D24FB11DBE31D4621C4817E028D9E1D",
  "AccessToken": "C66EF7B239D24632943D115EDE9CB810-EA00F8FD8294692C940F6B5A8F9453D",
  "Client": "Sample Client 1.0.0",
  "ProductId": "6b97a38b-0043-41e0-afbd-3f083bdbc0d2",
  "FirstTimeUnitStartUtc": "2024-03-01T23:00:00.000Z",
  "LastTimeUnitStartUtc": "2024-03-03T23:00:00.000Z",
  "EnterpriseIds": [
Property Type Contract Description
ClientToken string required Token identifying the client application.
AccessToken string required Access token of the client application.
Client string required Name and version of the client application.
ProductId string required Unique identifier of the product.
FirstTimeUnitStartUtc string required Start of the time interval, expressed as the timestamp for the start of the first time unit, in UTC timezone ISO 8601 format.
LastTimeUnitStartUtc string required End of the time interval, expressed as the timestamp for the start of the last time unit, in UTC timezone ISO 8601 format. The maximum size of time interval depends on the service's time unit: 100 hours if hours, 100 days if days, or 24 months if months.
EnterpriseIds array of string optional, max 1000 items Unique identifiers of the Enterprises. If not specified, the operation returns data for all enterprises within scope of the Access Token.


  "ProductId": "6b97a38b-0043-41e0-afbd-3f083bdbc0d2",
  "TimeUnitStartsUtc": [
  "BaseAmountPrices": [
      "Currency": "EUR",
      "NetValue": 93.46,
      "GrossValue": 100,
      "TaxValues": [
          "Code": "DE-2020-1-L",
          "Value": 6.54
      "Breakdown": {
        "Items": [
            "TaxRateCode": "DE-2020-1-L",
            "NetValue": 93.46,
            "TaxValue": 6.54
      "Currency": "EUR",
      "NetValue": 93.46,
      "GrossValue": 100,
      "TaxValues": [
          "Code": "DE-2020-1-L",
          "Value": 6.54
      "Breakdown": {
        "Items": [
            "TaxRateCode": "DE-2020-1-L",
            "NetValue": 93.46,
            "TaxValue": 6.54
  "AgeCategoryPrices": [
      "AgeCategoryId": "7d9d9b11-2c96-4862-9ead-501c6a8ed114",
      "Prices": [
          "Currency": "EUR",
          "NetValue": 93.46,
          "GrossValue": 100,
          "TaxValues": [
              "Code": "DE-2020-1-L",
              "Value": 6.54
          "Breakdown": {
            "Items": [
                "TaxRateCode": "DE-2020-1-L",
                "NetValue": 93.46,
                "TaxValue": 6.54
          "Currency": "EUR",
          "NetValue": 93.46,
          "GrossValue": 100,
          "TaxValues": [
              "Code": "DE-2020-1-L",
              "Value": 6.54
          "Breakdown": {
            "Items": [
                "TaxRateCode": "DE-2020-1-L",
                "NetValue": 93.46,
                "TaxValue": 6.54
Property Type Contract Description
ProductId string required Unique identifier of the product.
TimeUnitStartsUtc array of string required Set of all time units covered by the time interval; expressed in UTC timezone ISO 8601 format.
BaseAmountPrices array of Amount required Base prices of the product for each time unit covered by the time interval.
AgeCategoryPrices array of Age category price required Age category prices.

Age category price

Property Type Contract Description
AgeCategoryId string required Unique identifier of the age category.
Prices array of Amount required Prices of the product for the resource category in the covered dates.

Update product pricing

Updates the prices for a given product. You can make multiple price updates with one API call, and for each one specify the price amount per Time unit and the time interval for which it applies. The price will be updated for all service time units that the specified time interval intersects. It is not permitted to update historical prices older than specified by EditableHistoryInterval. This operation supports Portfolio Access Tokens.



  "ClientToken": "E0D439EE522F44368DC78E1BFB03710C-D24FB11DBE31D4621C4817E028D9E1D",
  "AccessToken": "C66EF7B239D24632943D115EDE9CB810-EA00F8FD8294692C940F6B5A8F9453D",
  "Client": "Sample Client 1.0.0",
  "ProductId": "6b97a38b-0043-41e0-afbd-3f083bdbc0d2",
  "PriceUpdates": [
      "Value": 100,
      "FirstTimeUnitStartUtc": "2024-03-01T23:00:00.000Z",
      "LastTimeUnitStartUtc": "2024-03-03T23:00:00.000Z"
      "Value": 200,
      "FirstTimeUnitStartUtc": "2024-03-06T23:00:00.000Z",
      "LastTimeUnitStartUtc": "2024-03-08T23:00:00.000Z"
  "EnterpriseId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"
Property Type Contract Description
ClientToken string required Token identifying the client application.
AccessToken string required Access token of the client application.
Client string required Name and version of the client application.
EnterpriseId string optional Unique identifier of the enterprise. Required when using Portfolio Access Tokens, ignored otherwise.
ProductId string Hybrid identifier required Unique identifier of the Product.
PriceUpdates array of Product price update required, max 100 items Price adjustments for specific time intervals.

Product price update

Property Type Contract Description
Value number optional New value of the product on the interval. If not specified, removes all price adjustments within the interval.
FirstTimeUnitStartUtc string optional Start of the time interval, expressed as the timestamp for the start of the first time unit, in UTC timezone ISO 8601 format.
LastTimeUnitStartUtc string optional End of the time interval, expressed as the timestamp for the start of the last time unit, in UTC timezone ISO 8601 format. The maximum size of time interval depends on the service's time unit: 367 hours if hours, 367 days if days, or 24 months if months.



Delete products

Deletes specified products. This operation supports Portfolio Access Tokens.



  "ClientToken": "E0D439EE522F44368DC78E1BFB03710C-D24FB11DBE31D4621C4817E028D9E1D",
  "AccessToken": "C66EF7B239D24632943D115EDE9CB810-EA00F8FD8294692C940F6B5A8F9453D",
  "Client": "Sample Client 1.0.0",
  "EnterpriseId": "aff75fbb-5cce-4fae-8039-b07000d16650",
  "ProductIds": [
Property Type Contract Description
ClientToken string required Token identifying the client application.
AccessToken string required Access token of the client application.
Client string required Name and version of the client application.
EnterpriseId string optional Unique identifier of the enterprise. Required when using Portfolio Access Tokens, ignored otherwise.
ProductIds array of string required, max 1000 items Unique identifiers of the products to delete.

