Quick & Easy Cloud Working Environments(Codespaces). This repo setups Github Codespaces for R/RStudio, python and more. These can be used for
- Reproducible Science Setups
- Workshops
- Portable Development
- and more!
Contact: Michael.Akridge@noaa.gov
- Checkout a recent Presentation on Codespaces for Open Science
- RStudio
- Tidyverse
- Verse
- Geospatial
- Shiny Server
- How to: Install extra R Packages into Codespace
- Codespace Example: Environmental Data Summary (EDS) Project
- Python Codespaces
- Codespace Example: Python Streamlit Web App | Data Explorer & Viz Tool
Just click the button below to quickly start a codespace:
- RStudio & Install R Packages via Dev Container Features
- RStudio & Install R Packages via dockerfile
- RStudio & Install R Packages via install.R File
RStudio Github Codespace with EDS project files. The EDS allows users to download/filter/extract/summarize large amounts of gridded and tabular data given user-defined time stamps and geographical coordinates. The various external environmental data summarized at individual survey sites can aid scientists to assess and understand how living marine resources are impacted by the environmental variabilities.
- Exploratory Data Analysis & Visualization Tool.
- Allows users to explore and visualize recent NOAA's National Coral Reef Monitoring Program(NCRMP) data or upload their own.
- This codespace example runs a python Streamlit App with Pygwalker(https://github.com/Kanaries/pygwalker) for data analysis and data visualization.
Codespace | QuickStart Link | Description |
Streamlit Python App Codespace Example | ![]() |
Data Explorer & Viz Tool App |
Jupyter Notebook | github/codespaces-jupter | |
Jupyter Data Science | devcontainers-community/jupyter-datascience-notebooks | |
Flask | github/codespaces-flask | |
Anaconda | devcontainers/templates/anaconda | |
Datascience Py & R | microsoft/datascience-py-r |
- Link: https://michaelakridge-noaa.github.io/codespace-designer/
- Use to configure a GitHub Codespace environment
- Powered by Github Pages to help design a codespace devcontainer file with NMFS-Opensci data science images
- About Github Codespaces: https://github.com/features/codespaces
- About using images, dockerfiles, compose, and devcontainers: https://containers.dev/guide/dockerfile
- About Docker: https://docs.docker.com/
- Streamlit (https://streamlit.io/) turns data scripts into shareable web apps
- Pygwalker(https://github.com/Kanaries/pygwalker) for data analysis and data visualization
- The R codespaces use the images from the Rocker Project. For more info, please visit:
This repository is a scientific product and is not official communication of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or the United States Department of Commerce. All NOAA GitHub project content is provided on an ‘as is’ basis and the user assumes responsibility for its use. Any claims against the Department of Commerce or Department of Commerce bureaus stemming from the use of this GitHub project will be governed by all applicable Federal law. Any reference to specific commercial products, processes, or services by service mark, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not constitute or imply their endorsement, recommendation or favoring by the Department of Commerce. The Department of Commerce seal and logo, or the seal and logo of a DOC bureau, shall not be used in any manner to imply endorsement of any commercial product or activity by DOC or the United States Government.
See the LICENSE.md for details