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Track your study hours.
Platform: Windows command prompt
Download: Click "Code" button then click "Download ZIP"
Install Python 3.7+
Make sure you enable "add to PATH" during install.
Copy to a folder the following files: and tools folder
Open Command Prompt:
Goto folder containing the file
Run Command:
Step 1: Run the Script
Step 2: Press A then <enter> to add a subject to the programme, follow the instructions.
Step 3: Press T for manually entering an amount of time to your tally, or Press I to use a timer to measure your study/work session.
Step 4: Select your subject/job from the list.
Step 5: If you choose "T" enter your time (either hours or minutes [option under -Usage- in (S)ettings menu]) and press <enter>. If you choose "I" press <enter> when prompted to start the timer and <enter> again to stop the timer. New time amounts are saved automatically.
Display Completed Percent: Display percent of hours owing covered by tally that are inside the hours of the course/work term.
Display extra completed: Display amount of tally outside the hours of the course/work term.
Display extra Completed Percent: Display percent of hours owing covered by tally that are outside the hours of the course/work term.
Display Recent Activity: Display total hours per day over the past 7 days. (if no log on a day, then day will not be displayed)
Can be entered in Minutes, Hours or both.