Yandex Metrica Botan client for .NET
NETStandard 2.0
Install via NuGet:
PM> Install-Package BotanClient
or build the NuGet with Cake build:
./build.ps1 -target "BotanClient"
Register client in your services and provide your yandex metrica token:
services.AddSingleton(_ => new BotanClient.BotanClient(botanToken));
Inject client into your controller:
private readonly BotanClient.BotanClient botanClient;
public UpdateController(BotanClient.BotanClient botanClient)
this.botanClient = botanClient;
Send data to Botan:
await botanClient.SendEvent(new BotanMessage
EventName = "MY_EVENT",
RawData = new {
message = message,
someMetric = 1.0
Uid = "UserIdHere"