I started to learn programming in 2018-2019 and this used to be my "portfolio web site" ❄️ Originaly it was hosted on 000webhost but it is long time gone so here you are -> rehosted at GitHub Pages!
- Home
- The Poop Tracker
- Cats versus Robots!
- Blackjack
- Flappy Cat (Playable)
- Flappy Cat (with Tensorflow.js)
1. Home
There are share buttons at the bottom. The APIs probably changed since then, I haven't checked, I don't use social media anymore.
My very first line of code was written on Raspberry Pi in Python. It was infinite loop receiving signals from my cat's toilet and sending it to SQL database on 000webhost. Every time you loaded The Poop Tracker, it queried last 10 rows of the table. Of course that part is not there.
Also I was not familiar with Bootstrap or similar frameworks, so I created my own vanilla image preview thing.
My first 2D game with sprites. Fully responsive, with buttons if you want to play on a cell phone.
4. Blackjack
If you play this long enough, you will find bugs.
Feature: you can play this using keyboard in the Console!
This is flappy bird 2D game recreated based on videos from my Javascript guru Daniel Shiffman. Check his channel on Youtube.
This is the same as before but using TensorFlowJS.
Tutorial how to build this is in this Coding Train's neuroevolution playlist.
Code contains lot of high quality spagetti code, the only code which I was capable of writing at that time.