several program that allows to scrape data about football league Ekstraklasa. Data such as players, teams, matches and stuff like that. Data are scraped from polish website
This is my school project for subject named data analysis and visualization. In the beginning i have collected data from polish website Collected data are divided into four files:
- Stats.csv Information about statistics like ball possession, goal attempts and so on.
view from website:
view of scraped data:
- Summary.csv Information about all things that occured during match.
view from website:
view of scraped data:
- Teams.csv Information lineup with starting lineup and substitutes
view from website:
view of scraped data:
- PlayerList.csv Information about all players
view from website:
view of scraped data:
In this project i am attempting to create several interactive dashboards.
Already i have created two of them.
First one is simple histogram representing goals statistics:
Second one show specific statistics about chosen team:
Cumulative goals graph
Ball Possesion
All shots, and shots on target
Fauls, yellow cards and free kick
Each stat divided by player position
Scored goals divided by leg
Summed up stats
Tabel with all players
There are total of 3 scripts written using Python. Two dedicated for scraping, and third for data analysis.
For scraping I am using Python -> Jupyter Notebook and libraries:
- pandas
- numpy
- requests
- bs4 (BeautifulSoup)
- datetime
For data analysis I am using Python -> JupyterLab and libraries:
- pandas
- dash
- plotly
- dash
- dash_html_components
- dash_core_components
- dash_bootstrap_components
- jupyter_dash
Michał Sir