This is a small script to control the Giants Software USB Beacon with Python.
install the requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
To make the LEDs light up in a circle use:
import giants_beacon
Beacon = giants_beacon.GiantsBeacon()
Beacon.device_state("round") # can be "round", "blink" or "off"
The device_state can be "round", "blink" or "off".
The Beacon will be turned off after 10 seconds automatically. If you want to let the beacon turn on permanently, just send the command "device_state" every 3 seconds. If you want to turn off the beacon earlier, just send device_state("off").
Thanks to "steve228uk". His Gist helped me a lot to understand whats going on.
Thanks to libusb/hidapi for the USB communication tool.