Arduino library to calculate positions af actuators by running time. This lib doens't control anything. It just calculates the action position of an actuator. It's up to you to use the information this library provides
MikeysRunningTime(unsigned int memoryAddress);
Instantiates class with address in EEPROM. Class uses 8 Byte. Make sure not to overlap with other functions or instances. To prevent wrong behaviour, use resetValues() at first use of this address
void minPosition(float minPosition);
Sets the physical minimal Position (e.g. 10cm)
void maxPosition(float maxPosition);
Sets the physical maximal Postion (e.g. 100cm)
void update();
Updates position, should be called in loop
void startMeasuring();
Starts the runtime Measuring, should be called simultaneously as the actuator moves
void stopMeasuring();
Stops the runtime Measuring, should be called simultaneously ast the actuator stops
unsigned long runningTime();
Shows the total running Time in ms
void positiveMovement();
Should be called when actuator moves in positive direction
void negativeMovement();
Should be called when actuator moves in negative direction
void stopMovement();
Should be called when movement stops
float actPositionPercentage();
Gives back actual position in percent (gives back 0.0 when values aren't set or referencing is needed)
float actPositionAbsolute();
Gives back actual position in physical dimensions (e.g. cm, degrees,... gives back 0.0 when values aren't set or referencing is needed)
void storeValues();
Stores running time values in EEPROM (uses EEPROM.update) memoryAddress = startTime, memoryAddress + 4 = endTime
void loadValues();
Loads values from EEPROM, should be called in setup
void resetValues();
Resets values in EEPROM and loaded values in instance
bool valuesSet();
Gives back 1 when values are set
bool referencingNeeded();
Gives back 1 when home referencing is needed (e.g. after power loss and actual physical position is not known)
void setHomePosition();
When referencing is needed and actuator is in home position, call this to set new home position