jenkins-linter-idea-plugin is an Intellij Idea plugin to validate Jenkinsfiles by the Pipeline Linter of a Jenkins server.
- Supports declarative pipeline only
- HTTP linter integration
- Linting errors highlighting
- Jenkins authorization
The plugin can be installed with Settings | Plugins | Marketplace and searching for Jenkins Pipeline Linter.
Settings for the plugin can be found under Settings | Tools | Jenkins Linter.
- Configure Jenkins server connection via plugin settings.
- Open context menu on file and click Validate by Jenkins Linter
Starting from 0.5.0
plugin support builtin proxy (File | Settings | Appearance & Behavior | System Settings | HTTP Proxy) and SSL(File | Settings | Tools | Server Certificates) settings.
Feel free to contribute. New feature proposals and bug fixes should be submitted as GitHub pull requests. Fork the repository on GitHub, prepare your change on your forked copy, and submit a pull request.
Before contributing please read about Conventional Commits / Conventional Commits RU