A super-lightweight vagrant box with lxde desktop on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. I use this on our dev server so I can run automated e2e tests from our CI server (Teamcity, Jenkins, etc). Private network is used instead of nat port forward, so if you decide to deploy this machine on your agent server, it will be accessible to the agent, but not to the outside world. Change private network IP if you want to in the Vagrantfile.
git clone git@github.com:MikeSpock/vagrant-e2e-protractor.git
cd vagrant-e2e-protractor
vagrant up
First, reboot the vagrant box
vagrant reload
Then, start teamviewer inside the virtual machine (optional)
vagrant ssh
sudo teamviewer passwd enter-your-password
sudo teamviewer info
Take teamviewer id from the output of the last command. You can access teamviewer now with that id, and the password you entered.
After you start the box, start webdriver-manager
vagrant ssh
DISPLAY=:0 webdriver-manager start
Ctrl+A D [to detach screen]
Then, access selenium