Cre: idtruoc
Basic Website Golden TicketNew - Movie Tickets Online Booking.
This project was created for the TLCN...(add more).
(Tran Cong Tu)
- idtruoc a.k.a Trương Minh Phương
- Cmit V a.k.a Lê Quốc Vinh
- npm version 8.1.2
npm install -g npm@8.1.2
- java SE DEvelopment Kit version 11
- For Backend Code, i used Springboot and IntelliJ IDEA as IDE for programming, you can use Eclipse instead of IntelliJ IDEA
- ReactJS (Front-End)
- Springboot (Back-End)
- Database (Mysql)
For database i use Mysql
- Go to .env file change the string connection to database (Mysql)
- Go to the folder api, then type: "yarn start"
- The Backend will start on localhost:5000
- Go to folder fe -> src -> helper, open file axios.js and changing this line: const baseURL = "{your backend hosted URL}";. For my project it is: const baseURL = "http://localhost:5000/api";
- Go to the folder fe, then type: "npm start"
- The Frontend will start on localhost:3000
Any information please contact me through this email: