- clone the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/Minamiciccc/C-Library-Project
- Run
to build the library
$ make
- include header file in your source file
#include "libvc.h"
- vc_atoi.c
- vc_bzero.c
- vc_isalnum.c
- vc_isalpha.c
- vc_isascii.c
- vc_isdigit.c
- vc_isprint.c
- vc_memccpy.c
- vc_memchr.c
- vc_memcmp.c
- vc_memcpy.c
- vc_memmove.c
- vc_memset.c
- vc_puts.c
- vc_strcat.c
- vc_strchr.c
- vc_strcmp.c
- vc_strcpy.c
- vc_strdup.c
- vc_strlcat.c
- vc_strlen.c
- vc_strncat.c
- vc_strncmp.c
- vc_strncpy.c
- vc_strnstr.c
- vc_strrchr.c
- vc_strstr.c
- vc_tolower.c
- vc_toupper.c
- vc_itoa.c
- vc_memalloc.c
- vc_memdel.c
- vc_putchar.c
- vc_putendl.c
- vc_putnbr.c
- vc_strclr.c
- vc_strdel.c
- vc_striter.c
- vc_strjoin.c
- vc_strmap.c
- vc_strnew.c
- vc_strsplit.c
- vc_strsub.c
- vc_strtrim.c