Marsaut_0 experimental rocket avionic (On-board electronics) created by Mines Space, Version 2021 launched at C'space
The electronic architecture of our rocket is divided into two parts, the flight controller (Sequencer) and the payload. You can find the CAD of all the cards on this link :
- Branch APU : The APU (Acquisition Process Unit) board is dedicated to the acquisition,
storage and transmission of data in the rocket.
- Branch SEQ : The SEQ board (the flight controller) is dedicated to the control of the different
actuators according to the rocket's flight status.
- Branch ALIM : The ALIM board (the power supply board) is the board in charge of the electrical
distribution and the control of the battery status.
- Branch MOTOR : The MOTOR board is equipped with motor drivers for parachute deployment control.
- Branch IHM : The HMI card is the card dedicated to the control and restitution
of information to the user.
- Branch INT_LTS : The INT_LTS card is an interface card with the Lora TTGO-T BEAM card.
- Branch LINK : The LINK card allows to link all the actuators and sensors
installed in the rocket to the electronics .