Clean room implementation of the minecraft server (and client!) using java and netty.
Nothing exciting here, just learning netty. This is also mostly abbandoned.
- General Stuff
- Packet handling
- Sending
- Receiving
- Packet handling
- Client
- Server List Ping (
- Login
- Joining
- Chat
- Keep Alive
- Everything else
- Server
- Server List ping
- JSON Response
- Favicon (woooo
- Online Status
- Login
- offline mode
- encryption
- compression
- Joining
- server brand (wooo
- client brand
- server difficulty
- player abilities
- client settings
- spawn position
- position and look (we can see stuff, yee
- teleport confirm
- chat (woooo
- world stuff
- sending empty chunks
- sending somewhat useable hardcoded stuff (
- implement palette
- reading a vanilla worlds
- reading from hypixels format
- keep alive
- send it so we don't get disconnected
- actually handle it properly
- Everything else
- Server List ping
- support relative position/rotation
- verify teleport ids
- figure out why chat format isn't working properly
I am not sure yet what to do with this, but if you want to help, you are welcome, just hit me up, MiniDigger on freenode/esper/spigot irc or MiniDigger#3086 on discord.