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Releases: MisterHLunaticwraith/MRHMilsimTools

MRH Milsim Tools version : v.1.18.1

22 Nov 12:44
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Changelog: MRH Milsim Tools version : v.1.18.1


  • Added : Loadout recap in diary will now display loadout weight as well as occupied space in vest, uniform, and backpack. As with the rest it is updated everytime inventory is closed.
  • Changed : Roster was only added to diary after the briefing phase, now it will be there from the start.
  • Tweaked : Briefing roster should now get refreshed every time a new player gets connected.
  • Added some new global variables :
    MRH_allPlayers = All players minus headless clients.
    MRH_allAlivePlayers = All players that are considered 'Alive' by milsim tools minus headless clients.
    MRH_allAliveAndConsciousPlayers = All players that are considered 'Alive' by milsim tools, conscious by ACE 3 minus headless clients.
    The variables are refreshed on all clients and the server :
    -Whenever a player connects
    -Whenever a player disconnects
    -Whenever a player is killed
    -Whenever a player's conscious state is changed
    -Whenever a player respawns
    -Whenever the setRevived function is called on a unit
  • You can call MRH_fnc_MilsimTools_Core_allPlayers to manually update them on a local machine, the function also returns one of these depending on parameters sent to it, see function header for more.
  • Added :
CBA Events
"MRH_playerConnected_EH", //same parametres as player connected EH but raised globally
"MRH_playerDisconnected_EH", //same parametres as player disconnected EH but raised globally
"MRH_playerOnly_ace_unconscious", // same as ace_uncounsious event, raised globally but only when a player's state changes (not raised for AIs unlike the ACE3 event its based on) params ["_unit", "_state"];
"MRH_playerKilled", Same as MPKilled 
"MRH_playerRespawned_global", // raised globally when a player respawns params ["_unit", "_corpse"];
"MRH_playerWasSetAsRevived" // raised globally when an admin resets "hasDied" condition on a player (via the admin menu or the setRevived function) target player is passed as a parameter.

Radio Chatter

  • Changed : Volume of sounds of default radio lowered to 5 . Since arma A3 v1.91.145537 any volume exceeding 5 will not play since the function uses playSound3D ,getSoundFile function will automatically reduce returned volume to 5 if volume is above that.

Heli Taxi :

  • Tweaked: Heli taxi now makes use of the core clear waypoints function, should hopefully fix some issues when setting a new course

Soldier tab

  • Added : BluFor Tracker on tablet

Blufor tracker only works when the tablet is connected to an antenna. On the tracker units will only show up if they are equipped with one of the following items:

  1. "MRH_SoldierTab", PDA from milsim tools
  2. "MRH_BluForTransponder", transponder from MRH Satellite mod
  3. "ItemcTab", rugged tablet from cTab mod
  4. "ItemAndroid", android device from cTab mod
  5. "ACE_microDAGR" from ACE3
    In addition, units will show on the blufor tracker if they are in a vehicle that's listed by the mod. by default most of vanilla, RHS USAF, RHS AFRF and RHS GREF APCs, Tanks, MRAPS, helicopters, boats and planes are included.
    If you want to include a custom class of either Items or vehicles to the recognized vehicles you can use:
Function name:MRH_fnc_MilsimTools_Core_addToBFTenabledList
Author: Mr H.
Description: Will add the class to vehicles or items that show up on the BluFor tracker (provided a friendly unit is in them or they have item on self)
Return value: List of all allowed classes, updated with new ones
Public: Yes
0-<STRING> or <ARRAY> of <STRINGS> can either be vehicles classnames or items classnames
["My_vehicle"]call MRH_fnc_MilsimTools_Core_addToBFTenabledList;
["My_item"]call MRH_fnc_MilsimTools_Core_addToBFTenabledList;
[["My_veh1","My_veh2","My_veh3","My_item1","My_item2"]]call MRH_fnc_MilsimTools_Core_addToBFTenabledList;

or from an addon, add the property to a cfgVehicles class //not yet implemented for cfgWeapons items

mrh_satcom = 1;

or list them in

class MRH_BFT_enabledClasses
   class enabledClasses
      classes[]={};//vehicles or items
  • Added : In vehicles with satcom capabilities players can connect their tablet's to the vehicle's satcom system, they can also connect it from outside but distance limitations apply and you will loose the signal when going too far frome a vehicle.

Addon builders can add the property

mrh_satcom = 1;

To their configs to add satcom capabilities to their vehicles.

Some RHS/gref/usaf/afrf vehicles are already added by script (so as not to add a dependency.
I may release a compatibilty mod in the future for RHS if requested.

MRH Milsim Tools version : v.1.18.0

01 Nov 14:34
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Changelog: MRH Milsim Tools version : v.1.18.0


  • Added : Loadout summary in diary.

This loadout summary displays pictures of all items (can be resized in options.) It can be disabled completely in options. Thanks to Arma's latest update the diary entry refreshes everytime you switch unit with zeus or close your inventory, so it stays accurate throughout the game.

MRH Milsim Tools version : v.1.17.9

29 Oct 23:49
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Changelog: MRH Milsim Tools version : v.1.17.9

Soldier Tab

  • Tweaked: Zeus controlled units can now use the tablet, they can transmit it and share it but they can't receive it via shared transfer (only by script or collecting data), players won't get a notification when they receive data as a zeus controlled unit.
  • Tweaked: getSideHQ function now accepts side as well as object as a parameter
  • Added compatibility with MRH Satellite mod. If the mod is enabled and the tablet is connected to an antenna, it can receive the satellite feed. (but not control the satellite, you still need a sat backback, a preset device or an UTD to do that).
  • Added : MRH_fnc_HQHAsData function to test wether a HQ has a data or picture
Function name: MRH_fnc_HQHasData
Author: Mr H.
Description: returns wether the side's hq has received givent data or picture
Return value: <BOOL>
Public: Yes
Parameters: none
0-<SIDE> or <OBJECT> if object side of object will be used
1- <STRING> cfg entry of picture or data, /!\ case sensitive /!\
[player,"pic1"]call MRH_fnc_HQHAsData;
[west,"pic1"]call MRH_fnc_HQHAsData;
  • Added: MRH_fnc_isBriefingRemote function

With this function you can turn a briefing room into something more. Use it to make an object a "briefing controller" and make it control your briefing room's screen(s), you can then use it with ACE3 actions to do several things:

  • Connect your tablet to it: Any picture you look at on your tablet will be shown on the screens.
  • Play videos (the videos you can play must be listed in the cba settings) the videos are played on the screen. To stop the video on from playing on every client hit play when "no video" is selected in the drop down menu.
  • Show/hide an overlay (any picture in paa format with a transparent alpha can be used) on some screens (for the moment only the mod's "MRH_projectionScreenSmall","MRH_projectionScreenLarge", can do that and the option in the ace action will only show if an object of this type is listed in the screens).
    -Send data and pictures owned by your side's HQ to all nearby players (20m radius).
    -If the mod MRHSatellite is enabled you will also be able to display the satellite feed once the satellite is initiated.
 Function name: MRH_fnc_isBriefingRemote
Author: Mr H.
Description: Turns given object into a briefing controls console, can control multiple screens.
Return value: none
Public: yes
0-<OBJECT> Object that will be the remote controller and receive ACE3 actions.
1-<ARRAY>of <OBJECTS> Screens that will receive the image (if one of the screens is of type "MRH_projectionScreenSmall","MRH_projectionScreenLarge" there will be an extra action to add an overlay.)
[this,[this,satScreen]]call MRH_fnc_isBriefingRemote;

Misc Items

  • Fixed : Antenna bag Rvmat


  • Added:
    Two functions to activate triggers by script:

MRH_fnc_MilsimTools_Core_triggerActivate_global will activate trigger everywhere while MRH_fnc_MilsimTools_Core_triggerActivate_target will activate only on a selected client.
See functions headers for more

  • Tweaked : playsound3D functions now retrieves sound volume and pitch distance info too and use them
  • Fixed : Ticking is zeus in attributes wouldn't work in MP

Radio Chatter

  • Complete revamp of the system, code optimization, passed to unscheduled environment only
  • Fixed: players cannot exploit the radio to start it on and off multiple times and play multiple sounds at once.
  • Tweaked because of the changes of playSound3D core functions settings (volume,pitch,distance) set in the cfgsounds will be used.
  • Tweaked: less calls between clients and server means a lot of ressources are saved.
  • Added: Function to stop all radios from playing:
    true call MRH_fnc_MilsimTools_RadioChatter_killAllRadios;
    Will stop all radios (ONCE they are finished playing their sounds) and immediatly hide ace 3 actions.
    false call MRH_fnc_MilsimTools_RadioChatter_killAllRadios;
    Will reeanable the action and allow players to restart the radios but not restart them

call MRH_fnc_MilsimTools_RadioChatter_restartAllRadios;
Will reenable the radios and restart them.

Heli taxi:

  • Fixed: Loiter, Hover and Fastrope functions were called several times causing issues.

MRH Milsim Tools version : v.1.17.8

23 Oct 11:12
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Changelog: MRH Milsim Tools version : v.1.17.8

Soldier tab

  • Fixed : Missing $ on displayname cfg entry for HQ module west
  • Added : Local events when viewing data and pictures:
    For data:
// "MRH_ST_dataViewedChanged" with passed parameters : ARRAY
params ["_entryClass","_entryTitle","_entryBody",["_subEntries",[]]];
(_subEntries select 0) params ["_subEntryTitle","_subEntryBody"];

//example :
   params ["_entryClass","_entryTitle","_entryBody",["_subEntries",[]]];
   systemChat str _this;
   hintSilent format ["Now viewing data: %1", _entryTitle];
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;

For pics:

//"MRH_ST_picViewedChanged" with passed parameters ARRAY
params ["_picEntry","_caption","_picpath"];
// example :

   params ["_picEntry","_caption","_picpath"];
   systemChat str _this;
   hintSilent format ["Now viewing picture: %1", _caption];
}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;

Misc Items

  • Fixed : several Rvmats that needed fixing

MRH Milsim Tools version : v.1.17.7

22 Oct 19:34
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Changelog: MRH Milsim Tools version : v.1.17.7


  • Added: MRH_MISSION_ROOT public variable

Whenever a mission has a description.ext this variable will be created pointing to the mission root see here for possible uses

  • Added : several utilty core functions


  • Fixed: ETA counter will now show properly in MP
  • Tweaked: max delay setting can go up to 3600 seconds


  • Multiple RVMATS reworked, transparency issue with Bioscanner fixed. THX to Horrible Goat for his help on the Arma 3 Discord
  • Multiple missing editor previews added
  • Fixed: missing string message for one of the Bioscanner actions
  • Tweaked : MOB and camp containers can now be flipped when tilted with ace action
Added items and props:
  • Added: projection screens (large and small ones)THX to Horrible Goat and Dedmen for their help on the Arma 3 Discord

They have two hidden selections where you can apply custom textures 0 and 1 (1 overlays above 0)

  • Added : Giant green box

useful for taking screenshots with a green background or filming hollywood style! Color can be changed from the attributes, rvmat can be changed with setObjectMaterial command. Setting to a black lightless rvmat has a cool eerie effect, maybe you can use it in a trippy mission. Box is very big, meant to be used by placing things inside.

  • Added : AN/PRC117F radio prop
  • Added : AN/PRC152 prop radio
  • Added : Trivec Avant SATCOM antenna

This is not the same as MRH Satellite's own antenna, the base model was the same but I reworked it, optimized it, rescaled it and retextured it. In time this model will also replace the satellite's mod SATCOM Antenna. The antenna can be folded and carried in inventory and connected to with a tablet (see more in the tablet changes section of this changelog). It is NOT YET compatible with MRH Satellite mod features but will be in a very short time.

  • Added : AN/PRC 117F radio station

Now that's a big one! This prop is actually an enterable vehicle that you will find in the editor under Radio Stations > turrets for each side. It's a PRC117F connected to an antenna and with pluggued in 'phone'.It can be connected to a tablet just like the satcom antenna (ACE interactions). Using it with TFAR it has a rack vehicle radio. (I don't use TFAR so that's the only use I could think of with it any other ideas are welcome). Now ACRE2 users will have a way more in depth experience: the vehicle comes equipped with a rack 117F radio that you can use from both inside and outside (you can only set the channel from inside). In addition to that, players carrying both an ACRE2 117F radio and a folded satcom antenna will be able to deploy this station (ACE self interactions>> equipment) on the ground and their 117F will be mounted inside, retaining its settings. When repacking it the 117F is replaced in the player's inventory but the folded SATCOM antenna is left on the ground, don't forget to get it back. The station can and will be damaged when taking fire in the antenna, once damaged you can't repack it and so loose the radio. A variant of this functionnality for TFAR users might be added in the future if players have some interest for it.

/!\ Known issue: deploying the radio station from ACRE's PRC117F will only work EXACTLY one in two times: eg deploy the station use its rack, no problems, repack it, redeploy it, the setting is lost and you can't use the rack though the ace actions are here, do it again and it works fine etc. I've decided to release despite this because it's not game breaking and will seek help on that issue.


  • Changed: tablet can be connected to a SATCOM antenna or a 117F radio to share data to distant users, the distant user has too be connected to an antenna to appear in the transfer file list and be able to receive data (stil only works for users of the same side). Unconnected the data transfer range is still 10m / or all users inside the same vehicle.
  • Changed : when connected to an antenna/ a radio station the map tab will be available, even if it's disabled in the settings.
  • Fixed : transmitting players won't showup in their own transfer list
  • Tweaked : Transfering data and pictures used to transfer all of the owned datas and pictures, now it will only transfer the one that's currently active in the tablet (image or picture), meaning you have to click it in the tablet before sending. For data the whole entry will be stranfered even if a sub entry is active.
  • Added : API function MRH_fnc_hasDataOrPicture to check wether a unit or object owns a given data / picture

Parameters are 0 OBJECT unit or HQ to check 1 STRING Data or picture config entry to check for (case sensitive).
[MRH_player,"DataEntry_7"]call MRH_fnc_hasDataOrPicture;// will return true if player owns given data

TAG_HQHasData_fnc = {
   params ["_player","_data"];
   private _hq = ([_player] call MRH_fnc_MilsimTools_SoldierTab_getSideHQ)#2;
   private _HQHASPIC = [_hq,_data]call MRH_fnc_hasDataOrPicture;
   [MRH_player,"My_CaseSensitive_PicCfg_Entry"] call TAG_HQHasData_fnc; // will return true if the player's side HQ has received the picture (will only work if a HQ is set for player's side in the mission) see below for explanations on HQs
  • Added : Optionnal Mission HQ modules (in the editor Systems>>modules>> MRH Modules)

HQs pretty name can be defined in their attributes, default is PAPA BEAR, each HQ works as a receiver for datas and pictures. Players need to be connected to a satcom antenna / 117F radio station to be able to transmit to HQ, HQ will then be listed in the receivers under its pretty name.
Upon receiving a data / picture three things will happen:

  1. Any unit that's synchronized to the HQ in the editor will also receive the data.
  2. All players that have zeus powers will be prompted with a notification telling them which data/ picture has been received by the hq
  3. A global cba event is raised

"MRH_SideHQ_ReceivedData_global" parameters passed to the event are 0 OBJECT HQ module 1 STRING HQ call sign 2 ARRAY of STRINGS data entries transmitted to the HQ 3 OBJECT sender (player or objNull if data is added by attributeData function)
"MRH_SideHQ_ReceivedPictures_global" parameters passed to the event are 0 OBJECT HQ module 1 STRING HQ call sign 2 ARRAY of STRINGS picture entries transmitted to the HQ 3 OBJECT sender (player or objNull if data is added by attributePictures function)

Zeus features

  • Added: CBA Events when a player goes into zeus interface:

"MRH_curatorViewOpened_global" fires globally whenever a player enters the zeus interface, player entering zeus is passed as parameter (_this select 0)
"MRH_curatorViewOpened" fires on the client who entered zeus interface only, passed parameters are 0 DISPLAY zeus interface display and 1 OBJECT player unit
"MRH_curatorViewClosed_global" fires globally whenever a player leaves the zeus interface, player leaving zeus is passed as parameter (_this select 0)
"MRH_curatorViewClosed" fires on the client who left zeus interface only, passed parameters are 0 DISPLAY zeus interface display and 1 OBJECT player unit

  • Added: settings to hide and customize the zeus logo watermark in zeus interface.

You can set the watermark to be: always hidden, a custom image, the player who is zeus's team logo if they are in an arma unit, or milsim tool's logo. These setteings can be changed midgame. This also works with achilles enabled but won't be applied when the interface takes too long a time to load with achilles enabled. Just exit and reenter and it should be okay.

Zeus modules

  • Fixed : the Data Terminal sounds would play several times in MP when the terminal is hacked
  • Fixed : data terminal and laptop created with the create hack functions are now added to allcurators

Sniper aid

  • Fixed: target spawner can now spawn non moving targets (0m patrol range) without divided by 0 errors
  • Fixed: ZoneHeight parameter for the training area function now has intented effect
  • Tweaked: in target spawner interface, positions are now listed ordered by distance

Debug Tools

  • Fixed: logged variables whould sometimes get messed up
  • Added : setting to disable all logs from the mod (at list those created with the mod's own logging system, older Diag_logs in some functions will still show but will be replaced in time). This setting doesn't apply when in debug mod obviously.

Radio chatter

  • Tweaked: Now uses playSound 3D instead of say3D

Upside: should fix the mess in mp that sometimes happened when players jiped,Downside: when turning off the radio the current sound will continue playing until finished (immediate shutdown didn't work correctly in MP anyway)

Wow that's all folks! A pretty big changelog for a pretty big update!

MRH Milsim Tools version : v.1.17.6

24 Sep 16:08
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MRH Milsim Tools version : v.1.17.6

  • Debug tools : Added tab in 3 den under tools: lists all mods and their addons, can be exported to clipboard, can be exported in github bug report format (compliant with the bug report templates for cba and ace 3)

  • Heli taxi:

  • Fixed, marker was not deleted after fast roping.
  • Fixed heli speed when returning to base
  • Medevac :
  • Tweaked some bigger helis (rhs chinook )would never go to the end of the heal troops and come back function.
  • Bio scanner:
  • fixed missing text in a hintC message

MRH Milsim Tools version : v.1.17.5

22 Sep 00:17
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MRH Milsim Tools version : v.1.17.5

  • Core :
  • Added setting to disable loading of personal loadouts in Ace Arsenal
  • Added attributes checkbox to allow a full zeus for unit (no need to add the module etc.)
  • Added utility function to generate ace default loadouts:

Function name:MRH_fnc_MilsimTools_Core_generateAceDefaultLoadOuts

Description: Generates a ready to paste file to run from mission or addon's init that will set Ace default loadouts for the ace arsenal tab.
HOW TO: create your loadouts on different units placed in the editor, give each unit a variable name that corresponds to the loadout (it will be the loadout name). When you're done, run the function. Paste the results to your mission's init.sqf (or any other sqf filled executed from init.sqf).

The result file also contains a list of the objetcs to allow for the arsenal box if you want a limited arsenal as well as a how to. (see comments at the bottom of the generated file)

Alternatively for sexier loadout names you can set them in the roledescription field of the unit and call the function with true as a parameter (but it will only grab playable units)
Return value: file to paste from clipboard
Public: Yes
0- (optional) to use roledescription instead of variable name
call MRH_fnc_MilsimTools_Core_generateAceDefaultLoadOuts; //will use allunits and variable names
true call MRH_fnc_MilsimTools_Core_generateAceDefaultLoadOuts; // will grab only playable units and use role descriptions

  • Zeus modules
  • Added module to grant any player zeus powers
  • Misc Items
  • Added Magic Whellie bin:

Anything placed in the bin wheel be deleted (when the bin's inventory tab is closed) useful if your players are the type to leave stuff everywher, the been can be carried and dragged with ace, have someone on cleanup duty!

MRH Milsim Tools version : v.1.17.4

17 Sep 21:05
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MRH Milsim Tools version : v.1.17.4

  • Heli Taxi revamped:
  • The heli taxi system has been deeply reworked!
  • You can now also use the system with an editor placed heli. To do that:

place the heli in the editor and sync it to the heli taxi module. Sync the module to another group, the group will then have controls over this heli. If it's destroyed they will not be able to call a new one. Heli and commanding group MUST be different groups. Do not place anyone inside the heli except its flight crew in the editor. Where the heli is at mission start is its 'homebase', it will fly back and land there when cancelled or sent back. After a while it will shut its engines down and get repaired and refueled.Editor placed helis are not affected by the max number per side setting, but they DO affect it.

  • You can now choose between different types of 'final waypoints':

Land and drop troops: the helicopter will drop troops and fly back to base or go away and despawn (for helis that are spawned).
land and wait at LZ the heli will land and wait at LZ until instructed otherwise. After a while it will shut its engines down. You can come back to it at any time.
Loiter: the heli will fly over the waypoint and then loiter in circles around it until instructed otherwise.
Hover: the heli will go to the waipoint and hover until instructed otherwise.
fastrope troops: the heli will fast rope troops at given position and fly back to base or go away and despawn (for helis that are spawned)

  • Fixed: AI units should be properly left at the LZ if the land and drop troups approach is selected.
  • Fixed: units controlled by zeus wille be able to properly use and command the helo defined for their side/ group its linked too.

-Full 9 liner MEDEVAC functionality

The 9 liner medevac function is quite complex, its settings can be found in addons settings. The different lines of the calling interface change the waiting time. You can require an escort (two helis will come along and loiter around the LZ when medevac is in effect), you can set the number of patients (the mod will select bigger helis for larger numbers). Decide to include a surgeon ( an AI medic will disembark the heli, talking to them with ace interaction will heal players, they will reembark when the heli leaves. You can ask for the heli to bring supplies (if ace medical crate it will be in the ACE3 virtual cargo interface, if you request medical tents 2 will be placed in the heli's inventory).Or ask for the crew to wear NBC gear (from contact dlc, useful if you use a radiation script for example).
Upon calling the MEDEVAC you will receive a LZ near the position you gave (within 250m). You must then reach the LZ and mark it with the selected method (smoke etc.)to launch the medevac sequence. (failing to do that the medevac will be cancelled after a while).
You can put uncounscious or severely wounded AIs or players in the Heli and send it away. It will fly back a while later and drop the fully healed units/ players at the LZ.
Medevac helis can still be destroyed! Only one per side can be in action at the same time, you can set cooloff delays in the options.

  • Supports: Artillery /CAS/Supply drops
  • Fixed CAS no longer working
  • Improved coordinates function should now work on all maps. (And hopefully not break everytime arma is updated).
  • Setting the available number to -1 will make each of the supports infinite.
  • You can instead or also set a cool off time for each support.
  • ACE self interaction>>Contact HQ>>check availability will show available supports or cool off times (including medevacs).
  • Insertion handler:
    *fixed gear should now be moved correctly to submarine cargo for submarine insertions.

  • Core added several functions, added two free public domain fonts: Unifont and BethEllen2

  • Functions added MRH_fnc_isDoctor

[this] call MRH_fnc_isDoctor; will make a unit a doctor (talking to them with ace interaction heals player).

  • Vehicle Spawner will now presort categories only on server should save loading time, haven't had time to test it properly and delve into it, expect patch/ full revamp soon.

MRH Milsim Tools version : v.1.17.3

26 Aug 09:03
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  • Insertion handler revamped:
  • added different insertion types: the default static line jump, the HALO jump and submarine S.D.V. insertion.
  • fixed : AI units couldn't be transfered onboard. Unchanged: this works only for AIs that are in groups with players.
    *tweaked : added animation when preparing cargo.
  • Added several internal functions
  • Added submarine map marker
  • Fixed sitOnChair function in MP

MRH Milsim Tools version : v.1.17.2

17 Aug 17:11
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MRH Milsim Tools version : v.1.17.2

  • added Laser designated tripod item (a modification of the remote laser designator introduced by the marksman DLC, can and must beused without uav controler, weighs the same as its real world counterpart) more realistic than using laser designator binoculars , or remote controlled designator).
    -Added empty protective case.
    -Added protective case containing all items from the mod.
    -Fixed sitOnChairFunction.
    -Fixed missing classnames in cfgPatches