Générateur de textes, produisant des phrases et des couplets de rap en français, en s'inspirant du style, de la structure et des thèmes abordés par les rappeurs français.
Demo Streamlit
AiRapFR is a text generator, producing sentences and couplets of rap in French, inspired by the style, structure and themes addressed by French rappers.
On the streamlit demo, you can generate a text by :
- Choosing the artist you want to be inspired
- The model you want to use (Markov, LSTM or GPT-2)
- The number of words you want to generate and the temperature of the model.
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Make sure you have installed the above prerequisites
- Download or clone this repository to your computer
- Open a terminal and go to the application directory
- Run the command
streamlit run app.py
You should now see the application running 🚀 !