Youtube - Crowdin - TryHackMe - HackTheBox - Mastodon
Programming since late 2015. Python since 2018
- - Own Bot made using MFramework, used as Modmail on Dying Light server
- RSSReader - RSS parser sending entries to subscribing webhooks on Discord
- - Command framework extending mDiscord with database support
- mDiscord - minimal Discord REST API Client with objects & endpoints generated from documentation
- Discord Package Summarizer - Tool for analyzing user's Discord data
- Game Bundle Manager - Personal tool to keep track of remaining keys from bundles
- Database Library - Miscellaneous SQL Models for crossreferencing data
- ItemsAPI - SQL based API abstracting character's inventory management
- DocParser - Tool Parsing Markdown documentation into JSON format & generating code
- mlib - Library with utility functions used accross my Python projects
- Advent of Code - My solutions to AoC's puzzles
- Python - Just take a look at projects above π
- PostgreSQL/Supabase - Used as a Database for projects above
- Git - Hello Stranger, nice hub, ain't it?
- Redis/KeyDB - Used as a cache for
- Docker - runs on a volume in custom built image
- Github Actions - Auto rebuilding resume pdf
- RabbitMQ - Queues for exchanging commands between services
- 2019-Present - SQL
- 2019-2021 - D
- 2019 - Ruby
- 2018-Present - Python
- 2018-2019 - HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- 2015-2017 - C++
- 2014 - Java
- 2013 - Lua
If that's what you truly seek here, You can find me on Discord: @Mmesek
or on Matrix:
'Cause We all love meaningless internet points, don't we?