A Golang program to control your Ecovacs vacuum from Home Automation systems such as Home Assisitant, HomeKit (HomeBridge), Alexa.
To get started, you'll need to have already set up an EcoVacs account using your smartphone. Update deebot.json with your peticulars and place it in /usr/local/etc/
Determine your device ID using the
pip install sucks
pip install pipenv
CH: msg.ecouser.net TW, MY, JP, SG, TH, HK, IN, KR: msg-as.ecouser.net US: msg-na.ecouser.net FR, ES, UK, NO, MX, DE, PT, CH, AU, IT, NL, SE, BE, DK: msg-eu.ecouser.net Any other country: msg-ww.ecouser.net
With that set up, you could have it clean in auto mode:
% deebot clean-auto
To tell it to go charge:
% deebot charge
Check it's status- useful for Home Automation applications
% deebot status
Example Homebridge cmdSwitch2 configuration
"platforms": [{
"platform": "cmdSwitch2",
"name": "CMD Switch",
"switches": [{
"name" : "Vacuum",
"on_cmd": "deebot clean-auto",
"off_cmd": "deebot charge",
"state_cmd": "deebot status 2>&1 | grep RUNNING",
"type": "Switch"
env GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm GOARM=7 go build -o deebot-arm7
Special thanks to:
- skburgart who developed the Go based API calls.
- All the users who have given useful feedback and contributed code!