Personal Neovim configuration, optimized for web development. Simple, clean, and fast.
"Moyu" represents the Chinese term "摸鱼"
- 😎 Default auto session and auto save, instantly return to the last working state
- 💫 Out-of-the-box web development environment, with support for tailwindcss
- 🎈 Strive for simplicity, no unnecessary UI components
Moyu simplifies the UI as much as possible, while retaining the necessary information.
- The file navigator is hidden by default.
- Use
to display diagnostics at the top right. - Git commit information is displayed in the status line, not behind the cursor.
- And much more...
git clone ~/.config/nvim --depth 1 && nvim
rm -rf ~/.config/nvim
rm -rf ~/.local/share/nvim
- JetBrainsMono Nerd Font
- iTerm2
Some custom key mappings you need to pay attention to
Key | Mapping |
Space |
<leader> |
1 |
File navigation |
= |
Format |
Ctrl + ; |
Accept copilot suggestions |
3 |
find next word under cursor |
\\ |
resume telescope |
<esc> |
no highlight |
= |
format |
<leader>a |
Select all |
<leader><leader> |
Find Commands |
<leader>t |
toggle terminal float |
<leader>ca |
code action |
<leader>rn |
rename |
<leader>rl |
Restart lsp server |
<leader>g |
lazygit |
<leader>f |
Find Files |
<leader>lg |
Live Grep |
<leader>o |
Recent files |
<C-j> |
move line down |
<C-k> |
move line up |
<C-h> |
move char left |
<C-l> |
move char right |
<C-j> (in visual mode) |
move block down |
<C-k> (in visual mode) |
move block up |
<C-h> (in visual mode) |
move block left |
<C-l> (in visual mode) |
move block right |
<esc><esc> (in terminal mode) |
quit term mode |
:Copilot auth