GrowApp is a stock market application designed to help users monitor and track their investments efficiently. With user-friendly features and real-time updates, GrowApp aims to provide a seamless experience for both beginner and experienced investors.
User Authentication
- Easily create an account with minimal information.
- Secure login using Finger Print on Android devices or Face ID on iOS devices.
Stock Market Dashboard
- View real-time data on stocks, including price changes and trends.
- Analyze stock performance using interactive charts.
Data Visualization
- Get visual insights through charts powered by React Native Gifted Charts for easier stock analysis
- Light and dark mode options for an enhanced user experience.
Profile Management
- Update your profile details effortlessly to manage your account.
Client: React Native, Redux Toolkit, Redux Persist, React Navigation
Data Visualization: React Native Gifted Charts
Storage: Async Storage
API Integration: RTK Query
Additional Libraries: React Native Gesture Handler, React Native Reanimated, React Native Toast Message, React Native Swiper