Swifty helpers for working with AWS Lambda.
Swift 5.9 toolchain with Swift Package Manager.
Lambda Extras is distributed using the Swift Package Manager. To install it into a project, add it as a dependency within your Package.swift
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/Mobelux/swift-lambda-extras.git", from: "0.1.0")
Then, add the relevant product to any targets that need access to the library:
.product(name: "<product>", package: "swift-lambda-extras"),
Where <product>
is one of the following:
This package is intended to support the creation of lambdas composed of 2 parts:
- a regular target with a handler implementing the core logic without AWS dependencies
- an executable target using that regular one
Create a target without AWS dependencies like AWSLambdaRuntime
or AWSLambdaEvents
to implement the the lambda's core logic. Add a type to represent all environment variables that will be used in the lambda:
public enum Environment: String {
case multiplier = "MULTIPLIER"
as well as a model for the handler's input and optionally its output:
public struct Multiplicand: Codable {
public let value: Int
public init(value: Int) {
self.value = value
and a handler to implement the core logic of the lambda:
public struct MultiplyHandler {
public init<C>(
context: C
) async throws where C: InitializationContext, C: EnvironmentValueProvider<Environment> {
// create any dependencies
context.handleShutdown { eventLoop in
// shut dependencies down ...
public func handle<C>(
_ event: Multiplicand,
context: C
) async throws -> Int where C: RuntimeContext, C: EnvironmentValueProvider<Environment> {
let multiplier = try context.value(for: .multiplier)
return event.value * multiplier
Create an executable target and declare EnvironmentValueProvider
conformances for LambdaInitializationContext
and LambdaContext
extension LambdaInitializationContext: EnvironmentValueProvider {
public typealias EnvironmentVariable = Environment
extension LambdaContext: EnvironmentValueProvider {
public typealias EnvironmentVariable = Environment
and implement a LambdaHandler
with a LambdaCoding
type like APIGatewayCoder
that uses the handler created above:
struct MultiplyLambda: LambdaHandler {
let coder: APIGatewayCoder<Multiplicand, Int>
let handler: MultiplyHandler
init(context: LambdaInitializationContext) async throws {
self.coder = APIGatewayCoder()
self.handler = try await MultiplyHandler(context: context)
func handle(_ event: APIGatewayV2Request, context: LambdaContext) async throws -> APIGatewayV2Response {
context.logger.info("RECEIVED: \(event)")
do {
let subscription = try await coder.decode(event: event)
let output = try await handler.handle(subscription, context: context)
context.logger.info("FINISHED: \(output)")
return try coder.encode(output: output)
} catch {
context.logger.error("UNDERLYING ERROR: \(error.localizedDescription)")
return try coder.encode(error: error)