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Section 1: Summary of your model

Model Submitter:

Dan Sandiford (0000-0002-2207-6837)

Model Creator(s):

Model slug:


(this will be the name of the model repository when created)

Model name:

ISMIP-HOM benchmark experiments using Underworld


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

Model Category:

  • community benchmark
  • forward model

Model Status:

  • completed

Associated Publication title:

ISMIP-HOM benchmark experiments using Underworld

Short description:

Knowledge of the internal structures of the major continental ice sheets is improving, thanks to new investigative techniques. These structures are an essential indication of the flow behavior and dynamics of ice transport, which in turn is important for understanding the actual impact of the vast amounts of water trapped in continental ice sheets on global sea-level rise. The software studied here is specifically designed to simulate such structures and their evolution.


Abstract. Numerical models have become an indispensable tool for understanding and predicting the flow of ice sheets and glaciers. Here we present the full-Stokes software package Underworld to the glaciological community. The code is already well established in simulating complex geodynamic systems. Advantages for glaciology are that it provides a full-Stokes solution for elastic–viscous–plastic materials and includes mechanical anisotropy. Underworld uses a material point method to track the full history information of Lagrangian material points, of stratigraphic layers and of free surfaces. We show that Underworld successfully reproduces the results of other full-Stokes models for the benchmark experiments of the Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison Project for Higher-Order Models (ISMIP-HOM). Furthermore, we test finite-element meshes with different geometries and highlight the need to be able to adapt the finite-element grid to discontinuous interfaces between materials with strongly different properties, such as the ice–bedrock boundary.

Scientific Keywords:

  • ice-sheet
  • benchmark
  • Stokes
  • anisotropy
  • mechanical


Section 2: your model code, output data

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Model code existing URL/DOI:

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Section 3: software framework and compute details

Software Framework DOI/URL:

Found software: Underworld2: Python Geodynamics Modelling for Desktop, HPC and Cloud

Name of primary software framework:

Underworld2: Python Geodynamics Modelling for Desktop, HPC and Cloud

Software framework authors:

Software & algorithm keywords:

  • Python
  • Finite-Element
  • Particle-in-cell

Section 4: web material (for

Landing page image:

Filename: gmd-15-8749-2022-f09.png
Caption: Marker lines prior to (a) and after 750 years of flow of (b) isotropic and (c) anisotropic ice. The axial plane of the resulting shear fold in isotropic ice mimics the bedrock topography, while it is controlled by shearing along a horizontal shear zone in the case of anisotropic ice. Green: bedrock, flow to the right.



Graphic abstract:

Filename: graphic_abstract.png
Caption: Velocity field and strain rate field in isotropic ice (1) and inisotropic ice (2). Large strain rates and velocities occur in the vicinity of the bottleneck formed by the crest of the hill. Green: bedrock. For velocity, red is 70 m a−1 and blue is 0 m a−1. For strain rate, red is 0.032 $a^{−1}$, and blue is 0 $a^{−1}$.

Model setup figure:

Filename: gmd-15-8749-2022-f01-web.png
Caption: (a) 2D geometry of Experiment B. This is identical to a section parallel X located at yˆ = 0.25 in Experiment A (right). Sloping angle α is given in degrees. Also depicted is the velocity field of the flowing ice, resulting for a model width L of 5000 m from the simulations described below. Color and arrow length visualize the amount of velocity. (b) Bedrock topography for Experiment A and general naming scheme for the axes of 3D experiments.