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<p>NEURON model files derived from the paper:
</p><p>Takaki Watanabe, Takashi Shimazaki, Yoichi Oda (2017).
Coordinated expression of two types of low-threshold K+ channels establishes
unique single-spiking of Mauthner cells among segmentally homologous neurons
in the zebrafish hindbrain.<br/>
eNeuro 4 October 2017,ENEURO.0249-17.2017; DOI: <a href=""></a>  
</p><p>The NEURON model files encode the channel generator and firing simulator for simulating
development and differentiation of the Mauthner cell (M-cell) excitability.
The channel generator consists of "channel generator.hoc" and "channel analysis.hoc",
which enable us to generate arbitrary Na+ and K+ channels by changing parameters of 
a Hodgkin-Huxley model under emulation of two-electrode voltage-clamp recordings
in Xenopus oocyte system for Figure 5. The code and equations of a Hodgkin-Huxley model are
modified from the simulation by Rothman and Manis, 2003.
</p><p>The firing simulator comprising "firing simulator.hoc", "firing analysis.hoc", "graphs panels.hoc",
"neuron.hoc" and "parameters,hoc" simulates current-clamp recordings in the M-cell to
generate firing pattern of the model M-cell, which are implemented with arbitrary determined
basic Na+ and K+ conductances and low-threshold K+ channels Kv7.4/KCNQ4, Kv1.1 or
Kv1.1 coexpressed with Kvbeta2. Default setting is step current injection for 100 ms with 
1pA increment from near threshold current. The Na+ and K+ conductance and current dynamics are
visualized during firing. Threshold current (1T), 1st action potential latency,
number of action potentials at 1.5T and 2T, and interspike interval ratio (ISI(last)/ISI(1st))
at 2T are measured and printed. Run(step) and Run(500Hz) buttons execute firing simulation
showing results for Figures 6, 7, 8 and for Figure 9, respectively.
</p><p>The following .mod files are implemented in a single cylindrical compartment.
<p/>IClamp2.mod:Step  current injection for current-clamp recoding.
<p/>IClamp500.mod:500  Hz current injection for current-clamp recoding.
<p/>kcnq.mod: a low-threshold K+ channel Kv7.4/KCNQ4 encoded in zebrafish kcnq4.
<p/>kcna.mod: a low-threshold K+ channel Kv1.1 encoded in zebrafish kcna1a.
<p/>kcnab2.mod: a low-threshold K+ channel Kv1.1 coexpressed with zebrafish Kvbeta2b subunit.
<p/>kht.mod: a high-threshold voltage-gated K+ channel.
<p/>ka.mod: an A-type voltage-gated K+ channel.
<p/>na.mod: a voltage-gated Na+ channel.
<p/>leak.mod: a leak (passive) channel.
Example run:
Auto-launch from modeldb or download and extract the mod files and start with a command like:
nrngui mosinit.hoc
If you need more help in starting the model on your platform please consult this web page:
<a href=""></a>
You will see several windows appear, including one that looks like:
<img src="./screenshot0.png" width="650" alt="Firing simulator">
Clicking on the Run(Step), Fig 6,8 button will show a figure containing some in figure 6 in the paper:
<img src="./screenshot.png" width="550" alt="screenshot">

<p>Takaki Watanabe<br/>
<a href=""></a>




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