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Vue Lambda


  1. Install git

    • Recommended installation notes:
      • Linux: install via a native package management tool, e.g. apt
      • MacOS: install via Xcode command line tools ($ xcode-select --install) or install Xcode (via the Mac App Store)
      • Windows: install via a Bash-like environment, e.g. Git for Windows
    • Confirm installation via the following command: $ git --version
  2. Install Docker

  3. Create a global .gitignore

    • Note: It is bad practice to include operating system and IDE lines in a project's .gitignore unless they are required by the project. This project does not require a specific operating system nor IDE so ensure your global .gitignore includes lines for all files relevant to your operating system(s) and IDE(s)
  4. Clone the repository

$ git clone
  1. Change your current directory to the local clone of the repository
$ cd vue-lambda
  1. Build the Docker image (see below)
  2. Install dependencies (see below)
  3. Deploy Support CloudFormation Stack (see below)
  4. (If forked: ) Integrate Travis with repository to build automagically Branch CloudFormation Stack
    • You must add the following environment variables to the Travis build configuration:
  5. If you're testing with Lighthouse, do it on the fallback route: /pwa

Getting Started

Build the Docker image

$ docker build -t vue-lambda .

Run a command on the Docker image

  • Run commands via the Docker image
$ docker run --mount src="$(pwd)",target=/opt/vue-lambda,type=bind vue-lambda COMMAND

Install dependencies

  • Install npm dependencies

  • Note: unsafe-perm is used so that iltorb can successfully install a pre-compiled binary for compression (rather than building one during install)

$ docker run --mount src="$(pwd)",target=/opt/vue-lambda,type=bind vue-lambda npm install --unsafe-perm


  • Start the development server. You can access the website at: http://localhost
$ docker run --mount src="$(pwd)",target=/opt/vue-lambda,type=bind -p 80:80 vue-lambda


$ docker run --mount src="$(pwd)",target=/opt/vue-lambda,type=bind vue-lambda npm run lint
  • Automagically fix any automagically-fixable errors via:
$ docker run --mount src="$(pwd)",target=/opt/vue-lambda,type=bind vue-lambda npm run lint-fix
  • Check if any configuration rules conflict with Prettier via:
$ docker run --mount src="$(pwd)",target=/opt/vue-lambda,type=bind vue-lambda npm run lint-check-rules


  • Test files via unit and snapshot test using Jest
$ docker run --mount src="$(pwd)",target=/opt/vue-lambda,type=bind vue-lambda npm run test:unit


  • Run Docker in interactive mode
$ docker run --mount src="$(pwd)",target=/opt/vue-lambda,type=bind -it vue-lambda /bin/bash


Deploy Support CloudFormation Stack

  • Deploy the support CloudFormation stack

    • Note: AWS CLI configuration files must exist on your host machine at ~/.aws
    • Note: You must use unique values for <S3_BUCKET_NAME_ARTIFACTS> and <S3_BUCKET_NAME_STATIC>
$ docker run --mount src="$(pwd)",target=/opt/vue-lambda,type=bind --mount src="$(cd ~/.aws && pwd)",target=/root/.aws,type=bind -e STACK_NAME="vue-lambda-support" -e S3_BUCKET_NAME_ARTIFACTS="<S3_BUCKET_NAME_ARTIFACTS>" -e S3_BUCKET_NAME_STATIC="<S3_BUCKET_NAME_STATIC>" vue-lambda bash ./bin/