Sites that I open every day.
Install dmenu
, herbe
Run sudo make
Add environment variable SITES="firefox"
(replace firefox with watever browser u use)
sites -n -s short -u url [-b before_command] [-a after_command]
Switch to first tap in DWM then open leetcode in browser, when the tab is closed open google tasks
sites -n -s leetcode -u -b 'xdotool key super+1' -a '$BROWSER'
sites -m -i id [-s short] [-u url] [-b before_command] [-a after_command] [-f 0(no)|1(yes)|2(toggle)]
Change name to 'new name', toggle finished on site with id = 1
sites -m -i 1 -s 'new name' -f 2
sites -r -i id
Remove site with id = 1
sites -r -i 1
sites -l [-s] [-u] [-b] [-a] [-c] [-f 0(no)|1(yes)]
List name, url of unfinished sites
sites -l -su -f 0
sites -e -i id [-f update finished to true]
Run site of
and its state to finished
sites -e -i 4 -f
Open in dmenu unfinished sites, select one of them, site will open in
sites -h