FullFeatuered CookieCutter template Supporting most of useful technologies
This template uses prometheus for monitoring requests, models, etc.
This template uses multiple api frameworks like:
- Django rest framework
- Django grpc framework
- Graphene django And if the none of above choosed, it will use the basic html features
This template uses sphinx for project documention. eg: development, production, about, todos and etc.
This template uses drf-spectacular for documenting apis
This template support more technologies like:
- Celery
- Django Channels
- Django debug toolbar
- Pytest
- Persian django configuration
- Docker
- Jwt
- And more...
At first, you should install cookiecutter on your operation system
As the cookiecutter docs explained you can install cookiecutter by using pip with the command below:
python3 -m pip install --user cookiecutter
Then you should pass my template to cookiecutter:
cookiecutter https://github.com/MohammadD3veloper/CookieCutterD3V
Now answer cookiecutter questions as desired After answering questions, your project will be ready
Cause of usage of the debug variable before env initialization, template needs the debug variable from environment and you can set it in linux os with the command below:
export DJANGO_DEBUG=true
The value of this variable can be true/false
This template has a sample test, for ensure it is working as well, you can run command below in the root of project:
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py createsuperuser
It will ask you a username & password like the default django UserManager After fill the creation form, it will create the superuser and you can access the admin panel url or documentation url
Thank you of using this template If you like it. Just give a star
This template is under GPL3 License Designed with ❤️ by MohammadD3veloper