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A project for the CS213 course, featuring solutions and code implementations for Assignment 1, Task 1. Focuses on applying key problem-solving concepts and algorithms to real-world challenges.


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This repository contains the code and solutions for Assignment 1, Task 1 of the CS213 course. The focus of this task is on applying key problem-solving concepts and algorithms to real-world challenges.

Table of Content:


The primary goal of this task is to develop a solution using problem-solving techniques to address the given assignment prompt. The task emphasizes logic development, code structure, and efficient algorithm implementation.


  • Programming Language: C++.
  • Course: CS213 – Problem Solving & Programming Concepts.


  • Convert Pronouns To Gender Inclusive : This name reflects the purpose of the function, which is to convert male pronouns into gender-inclusive alternatives.
  • Manage Player Scores : Interactive menu system for adding new players, displaying the top 10 players, searching for a player's highest score, and exiting the program.
  • Fractal Pattern : Generates a recursive fractal star pattern by halving the size at each step, with increasing indentation. The size must be a power of 2, and the user controls the horizontal shift, creating a nested, symmetrical pattern.
  • File Comparison Program : Enables users to compare two text files, identifying differences at both character and word levels, while providing an intuitive interface for selecting comparison methods and file paths.


  • Convert Pronouns To Gender Inclusive Program. Here’s a detailed explanation of how the `maleAndFemale` function works:

    Function Breakdown:

    1. Punctuations Function:

    Before diving into the main function, the helper function Punctuations is important to understand:

    string Punctuations(string& str) {
        string result = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i) {
            if (ispunct(str[i])) {
                result += str[i];               // Collect punctuation.
                str.erase(str.begin() + i);      // Remove punctuation from original string.
                i--;                             // Adjust the index after deletion.
        return result;                           // Return the extracted punctuation.
    • Purpose: This function removes punctuation from a string, stores it, and returns it while modifying the original string to remove the punctuation marks.
      • Example: If the input is "He,", the function returns "," and modifies the input string to "He".

    2. maleAndFemale Function:

    string maleAndFemale(string str) {
        vector<string> arr;
        string init = "", result = "";
        // Adding the words to the vector and removing spaces.
        for (int i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i) {
            if (isspace(str[i])) {
                arr.push_back(init);       // Store each word in the array 'arr'.
                init.clear();              // Clear 'init' for the next word.
            else init += str[i];           // Build the word until a space is found.
        if (!init.empty()) arr.push_back(init);  // Add the last word, if any.
        // This loop replaces male pronouns with gender-inclusive alternatives
        // and builds the final result string.
        for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); ++i) {
            string mark = Punctuations(arr[i]);  // Extract punctuation.
            // Check and replace male pronouns with gender-inclusive forms.
            if (arr[i] == "He" || arr[i] == "he") arr[i] += " or she";
            else if (arr[i] == "His" || arr[i] == "his") {
                arr[i] += " or her";
                if (!mark.empty()) arr[i] += 's';  // If "his" had punctuation like "his'", add "s".
            else if (arr[i] == "Him" || arr[i] == "him") arr[i] += " or her";
            else if (arr[i] == "Himself" || arr[i] == "himself") arr[i] += " or herself";
            // Add punctuation back to the modified word.
            if (!mark.empty()) arr[i] += mark;
            // Append the processed word to the result.
            result += arr[i];
            // Add space between words.
            if (i != arr.size() - 1) result += " ";
        return result;  // Return the fully constructed result.

    Step-by-Step Explanation:

    1. Splitting the String into Words:

      for (int i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i) {
          if (isspace(str[i])) {
              arr.push_back(init);       // Add the word to the array.
              init.clear();              // Clear 'init' for the next word.
          else init += str[i];           // Build up a word character by character.
      if (!init.empty()) arr.push_back(init);  // Add the last word if any.
      • The input string is processed character by character. Each word is built up (init), and once a space is found, the word is added to the arr vector.
      • This process effectively splits the string into individual words (stored in arr).
      • After the loop, the last word is added to the array if it exists.
    2. Processing Each Word for Gender-Neutral Replacement:

      for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); ++i) {
          string mark = Punctuations(arr[i]);  // Extract any punctuation.
          // Check if the current word is a male pronoun and replace accordingly.
          if (arr[i] == "He" || arr[i] == "he") arr[i] += " or she";
          else if (arr[i] == "His" || arr[i] == "his") {
              arr[i] += " or her";
              if (!mark.empty()) arr[i] += 's';  // Handle possessive 'his' punctuation.
          else if (arr[i] == "Him" || arr[i] == "him") arr[i] += " or her";
          else if (arr[i] == "Himself" || arr[i] == "himself") arr[i] += " or herself";
          // Reattach punctuation.
          if (!mark.empty()) arr[i] += mark;
          // Add the processed word to the result string.
          result += arr[i];
          // Add a space between words, except after the last word.
          if (i != arr.size() - 1) result += " ";
      • For each word in arr, the function first extracts and removes any punctuation using the Punctuations function.
      • The word is then checked to see if it matches any of the male pronouns:
        • "He" → "he or she"
        • "His" → "his or her" (possessive form also handles cases like "his'")
        • "Him" → "him or her"
        • "Himself" → "himself or herself"
      • After processing the pronouns, any punctuation previously extracted is reattached.
      • The word is then added to the final result string (result), with spaces added between words, except after the last word.



    "He gave him his book."


    • Splitting the string into words: ["He", "gave", "him", "his", "book."]
      • Replacing pronouns:
        • "He" → "He or she"
        • "him" → "him or her"
        • "his" → "his or her"
      • Reattaching punctuation:
        • "book." retains the period (".").

    Final Output:

    "He or she gave him or her his or her book."
  • Manage Player Scores Program. Here’s a more detailed explanation of each function, including the subtle aspects, assumptions, and logic used:

    1. void addNewPlayer Function

    void addNewPlayer(vector<pair<string, int>>& players, string newPlayer = "", int newScore = 0) {
        players.emplace_back(newPlayer, newScore);
        sort(players.begin(), players.end(), [](auto& a, auto& b) {
            return a.second != b.second ? a.second > b.second : a.first < b.first;
        if (players.size() > 10) players.pop_back();
        cout << "Added Successfully." << endl << endl;


    • Add a new player with their score into the list of players, sort the list, and limit it to the top 10 players.

    Key Details:

    1. players.emplace_back(newPlayer, newScore):

      • This adds the new player (with name newPlayer and score newScore) to the players vector. The emplace_back function constructs the pair newPlayer and newScore directly in place, avoiding unnecessary copy or move operations, making it more efficient than push_back when adding pairs.
      1. sort Function:

        • After adding the player, the list is sorted by:
          1. Score (Descending): Players with higher scores come first. The comparison a.second > b.second ensures that higher scores have priority.
          2. Name (Ascending): In the case where two players have the same score, they are sorted by name in alphabetical order. The comparison a.first < b.first handles this. This ensures a deterministic order for players with the same score.
      2. Limit to Top 10:

        • If the list exceeds 10 players, the last player (the one with the lowest score) is removed with players.pop_back().
      3. Output:

        • A confirmation message "Added Successfully." is printed.


    • Scores are unique: Players have unique scores; however, if there are ties in the scores, alphabetical order is used to break the tie.
      • No validation: This function does not validate the player name or score (e.g., it assumes the inputs are valid).

    2. void printTop10 Function

    void printTop10(vector<pair<string, int>>& players) {
        cout << "The Top 10 are:" << endl;
        for(auto &[player, score] : players) {
            cout << "  - " << player << " -> " << score << endl;
        cout << endl;


    • Print the top 10 players and their scores from the players list.

    Key Details:

    1. Header:

      • Prints "The Top 10 are:" to indicate the start of the list.
      1. Range-based for loop:

        • The loop iterates through the players vector. The C++ structured binding (auto &[player, score]) is used here to directly access each player's name (player) and their score (score).
      2. Output:

        • For each player, it prints their name followed by their score in the format: " - <player> -> <score>".
      3. If Fewer Than 10 Players:

        • If there are fewer than 10 players in the list, it prints all available players.

    3. void searchPlayer Function

    void searchPlayer(vector<pair<string, int>>& players, string newPlayer = "") {
        bool found = false;
        for(auto &[player, score] : players) {
            if (newPlayer == player) {
                cout << "The " << newPlayer << "'s highest score = " << score << endl << endl;
                found = true;
        if (!found) cout << "This Player Doesn't Exist..." << endl << endl;


    • Search for a specific player by their name and display their highest score.

    Key Details:

    1. Search Loop:

      • A range-based for loop iterates over the players list. For each player, it checks if the player's name (player) matches the searched name (newPlayer).
      1. Player Found:

        • If the player is found (newPlayer == player), it prints "The <newPlayer>'s highest score = <score>" and sets the flag found = true. The loop then breaks out after finding the first match (since player names are unique).
      2. Player Not Found:

        • If the loop completes and no match is found (found remains false), it prints "This Player Doesn't Exist...".


    • Unique Player Names: Player names are assumed to be unique, so once a match is found, it exits.

    4. void playerScores Function (Main Menu)

    void playerScores(vector<pair<string, int>>& players) {
        cout << setw(40) << "Welcome To Manage Player Scores Program." << endl << endl;
        while (true) {
            cout << "Please select an option by entering the corresponding number to proceed." << endl;
            cout << " (1) Add a new player and score." << endl;
            cout << " (2) Print the top 10 players." << endl;
            cout << " (3) Find the highest score to specific player." << endl;
            cout << " (4) Exit program." << endl;
            cout << "Enter Your Choice :";
            string menuChoice; getline(cin, menuChoice);
            cout << endl;
            if (menuChoice == "1") {
                cout << "Enter the player's name :";
                string newPlayer; getline(cin, newPlayer);
                string oldScore;
                while (true) {
                    cout << "Enter the player's score :";
                    getline(cin, oldScore);
                    if (isNumber(oldScore)) {
                        int newScore = stoi(oldScore);
                        addNewPlayer(players, newPlayer, newScore);
                    else cout << "Enter A Valid Number (No Chars, No Punctuations and No Spaces)..." << endl << endl;
            else if (menuChoice == "2") {
                if (players.empty()) cout << "There Are No Players On The List." << endl << endl;
                else printTop10(players);
            else if (menuChoice == "3") {
                if (players.empty()) cout << "There Are No Players On The List." << endl << endl;
                else {
                    cout << "Enter the player's name :";
                    string newPlayer; getline(cin, newPlayer);
                    searchPlayer(players, newPlayer);
            else if (menuChoice == "4") {
                cout << " ===>> Thanks For Using Manage Player Scores Program..." << endl;
                cout << endl;
            else cout << "Please Enter A Valid Choice (from 1 to 4)..." << endl << endl;


    • Main menu to manage player scores: This function provides a menu-driven interface for adding players, printing the top 10, searching for a player, and exiting the program.

    Key Details:

    1. Menu Loop:

      • The while (true) loop runs indefinitely, showing a menu with options until the user selects "Exit" (menuChoice == "4").
      1. Option 1: Add New Player:

        • Prompts for the player's name and score.
        • Uses a helper function isNumber() (not shown) to validate the score input (ensures it’s a valid number).
        • Calls addNewPlayer() to add the player to the list.
      2. Option 2: Print Top 10:

        • Calls printTop10() to display the top players if the list is not empty. If the list is empty, it prints "There Are No Players On The List.".
      3. Option 3: Search Player:

        • Prompts for the player's name and calls searchPlayer() to display the highest score for the player. If the list is empty, it prints a message indicating there are no players.
      4. Option 4: Exit:

        • Exits the program by breaking out of the loop and printing a farewell message.
      5. Invalid Input Handling:

        • If the user enters an invalid menu choice (i.e., not "1", "2", "3", or "4"), the program prints an error message and asks for valid input.
  • Fractal Pattern Program. Here’s a detailed explanation of the functions and their underlying logic:

    1. void pattern(int n, int i)

    This function recursively generates and prints the fractal pattern using stars (*). Here’s a detailed breakdown of how it works:

    • Parameters:
      • n: The number of stars to print in the current row.
      • i: Controls the indentation (shifting) of each row using spaces.

    Step-by-Step Explanation:

    • Base Case:

      if (n <= 0) return;

      If n is less than or equal to 0, the function returns immediately without printing anything, which serves as the base case for recursion.

      • Recursive Call:

        pattern(n/2, i);

        The function calls itself with n halved (n/2) and the same indentation (i). This causes the pattern to be drawn recursively for smaller values of n, starting from the top-most rows.

      • Indentation:

        cout << string(i*2, ' ');

        This line prints spaces to shift the current row. The number of spaces printed is controlled by the value of i, multiplied by 2. The more recursive calls are made, the further the indentation shifts.

      • Printing Stars:

        for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
            j != n-1 ? cout << "* " : cout << "*\n";

        This loop prints n stars. The ternary operator is used to print a space (* ) after each star except for the last star in the row, which is followed by a newline (* \n).

      • Recursive Call (Lower Half):

        pattern(n/2, i+(n/2));

        This recursive call draws the lower half of the pattern with n/2 stars, but with additional indentation (i + n/2). This creates a fractal structure where each level of recursion adds more rows of stars, with increasing indentation.

    2. void fractalPattern()

    This function handles the user interaction, taking input from the user to draw the fractal pattern based on their choice. It contains the main menu system and user input validation.

    Step-by-Step Explanation:

    • Program Welcome Message:

      cout << setw(40) << "Welcome To Fractal Pattern Program." << endl << endl;

      This prints a centered welcome message using the setw(40) function from the iomanip library to center the text.

      • Main Loop: The program continuously prompts the user to either draw a new pattern or exit the program, using a while (true) loop until the user chooses to exit.

      • User Choices: The program provides two options:

        • Option 1 (menuChoice == "1"): Draw a new fractal pattern.
        • Option 2 (menuChoice == "2"): Exit the program.
      • Pattern Drawing: When the user selects option 1, the program:

        • Prompts the user to input the size of the pattern (oldSize).
        • Validates the size to ensure it is a power of 2 (i.e., 2^n), using the condition log2(size) == int(log2(size)).
        • If valid, it prompts for the number of spaces to shift the pattern (oldSpaces).
        • Once both inputs are validated, the function pattern(size, spaces/2) is called to draw the fractal pattern.
      • Input Validation: The inputs are validated using a helper function isNumber() (not included in the code snippet) that checks if the user's input consists only of valid digits (i.e., no characters, punctuations, or spaces).

      • Exiting the Program: If the user selects option 2, the program displays a thank-you message and exits the loop.

    Key Concepts:

    1. Recursion: The pattern() function is recursive, calling itself twice at each step—once for the top half and once for the bottom half of the fractal pattern. The recursion continues until the base case n <= 0 is reached.

    2. Fractal Pattern: The stars are printed in a fractal-like structure, where the size (n) of the pattern at each level of recursion decreases by half (n/2), creating a visually recursive pattern.

    3. User Input: The fractalPattern() function takes the user's input for the size and spaces to customize the pattern's appearance, ensuring the size is a power of 2 for the fractal structure to work correctly.

    Example Output:

    For example, if the user enters n = 4 and i = 2, the output might look like this:

      * *
      * * * *
          * *

    The stars are drawn recursively, and each row has more indentation than the previous one.

  • File Comparison Program. Here’s a detailed explanation of the functions and their underlying logic:

    1. indexWord Function

    This function finds the index of a specified word within a string.

    Detailed Explanation:

    • Purpose: To find the position of a word in a string, measured by how many words precede it.

      • Parameters:

        • string str: This is the input string (e.g., a line from a text file).
        • string word: This is the word whose index we want to find within str.
      • Process:

        • Initialization:
          • The index variable is initialized to 0. This variable tracks the word count as we traverse the string.
        • Outer Loop (for):
          • The loop iterates over each character in the string using its index i.
        • Character Match Check:
          • When the first character of the word matches the current character in the string (str[i] == word[0]):
            • A nested loop starts (while) to check if the subsequent characters of str and word match.
            • If all characters match, it means the entire word was found.
            • If the match is complete (j == word.size()), the function returns the current index.
        • Space Handling:
          • If a space character is encountered (if (str[i] == ' ')), the word index is incremented (index++), indicating that we have moved to the next word.
        • Return Value:
          • If the loop completes without finding the word, -1 is returned to signify that the word was not found.

    Code Implementation:

    int indexWord(string str, string word) {
        int index = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i) {
            if (str[i] == word[0]) {
                int j = 0;
                while (j < word.size() && i < str.size() && str[i] == word[j]) {
                    i++, j++;
                if (j == word.size()) return index; // Word found
            if (str[i] == ' ') index++; // Increment index for words
        return -1; // Word not found

    2. mergeVectors Function

    This function merges two vectors of pairs, where each pair contains a line number and a word.

    Detailed Explanation:

    • Purpose: To combine two vectors of word pairs into one.

      • Parameters:

        • vector<pair<int, string>>& arr1: The first vector containing pairs of line numbers and words.
        • vector<pair<int, string>>& arr2: The second vector to be merged.
      • Process:

        • A new empty vector result is initialized.
        • The function loops through both arr1 and arr2, appending each pair from both vectors to result.
        • Finally, it returns the combined vector.

    Code Implementation:

    vector<pair<int, string>> mergeVectors(vector<pair<int, string>>& arr1, vector<pair<int, string>>& arr2) {
        vector<pair<int, string>> result; // Resulting vector
        for(auto &pair : arr1) result.push_back(pair); // Adding pairs from arr1
        for(auto &pair : arr2) result.push_back(pair); // Adding pairs from arr2
        return result; // Merged vector

    3. splitWords Function

    This function splits a given string into words and stores them alongside their respective line numbers in a vector.

    Detailed Explanation:

    • Purpose: To break a line of text into individual words, capturing each word with its line number.

      • Parameters:

        • int num: The line number associated with the words.
        • string& str: The string to be split into words.
      • Process:

        • The function initializes an empty vector words to store pairs of line numbers and words.
        • It uses a temporary string word to build each word:
          • As it iterates through each character in str:
            • If the character is not a space, it appends it to word.
            • When a space is encountered, it checks if word is non-empty:
              • If it is, it adds the current word and the associated line number to words.
              • Then it clears word to prepare for the next word.
        • After the loop, it checks if word is still non-empty (for the last word) and adds it to words.
        • Finally, it returns the vector of word pairs.

    Code Implementation:

    vector<pair<int, string>> splitWords(int num, string& str) {
        vector<pair<int, string>> words; // Vector to hold word pairs
        string word; // Temporary string for current word
        for (char i : str) {
            if (!isspace(i)) word += i; // Build word character by character
            else {
                if (!word.empty()) { // If space found and word is not empty
                    words.emplace_back(num, word); // Add word with line number
                    word.clear(); // Clear for next word
        if (!word.empty()) words.emplace_back(num, word); // Last word check
        return words; // Return vector of word pairs

    4. readFromTextFile Function

    This function reads two text files and compares their content based on the chosen comparison type.

    Detailed Explanation:

    • Purpose: To perform a comparison between two text files either character by character or word by word.

      • Parameters:

        • string protoType: Specifies the type of comparison ("Char" for character comparison, "String" for word comparison).
        • string& firstFilePath: The path to the first text file.
        • string& secondFilePath: The path to the second text file.
      • Process:

        • It opens both files using ifstream. If either file fails to open, an error message is displayed.
        • If both files are open:
          • Character Comparison:
            • It reads both files line by line. If any line differs, it outputs the line number and the differing lines.
            • If both files reach EOF without differences, it declares them identical.
          • Word Comparison:
            • It reads each file line by line, splits lines into words using splitWords, and stores them in two separate vectors.
            • If the vectors have different sizes, it indicates the files are not the same size.
            • If they are the same size, it compares each word in the vectors:
              • If a difference is found, it uses indexWord to find the position of the differing word and outputs relevant details.
            • If all words match, it declares the files identical.
        • The function concludes by closing both files.

    Code Implementation:

    void readFromTextFile(string protoType, string& firstFilePath, string& secondFilePath) { 
        ifstream file1(firstFilePath);
        ifstream file2(secondFilePath);
        string line1, line2;
        if (file1.is_open() && file2.is_open()) {
            // Character comparison logic
            if (protoType == "Char") {
                int lineNum = 0;
                while (getline(file1, line1) && getline(file2, line2)) {
                    if (line1 != line2) {
                        cout << "The Difference found at line " << lineNum << ":\n";
                        cout << " - File 1: " << line1 << endl;
                        cout << " - File 2: " << line2 << endl << endl;
                        return; // Exit on first difference found
                // Check if both files reached EOF
                if (file1.eof() && file2.eof()) cout << "The Two Files Are Identical (Character by character)..." << endl << endl;
                else cout << "The Two Files Are Not The Same Size..." << endl << endl;
            // Word comparison logic
            else if (protoType == "String") {
                vector<pair<int ,string>> words1, words2; // Vectors for words
                int numLine = 0;
                // Read and split words from first file
                while (getline(file1, line1)) {
                    vector<pair<int ,string>> wordsInLine = splitWords(numLine, line1);
                    words1 = mergeVectors(words1, wordsInLine); // Merge words
                numLine = 0; // Reset line number for second file
                // Read and split words from second file
                while (getline(file2, line2)) {
                    vector<pair<int ,string>> wordsInLine = splitWords(numLine, line2);
                    words2 = mergeVectors(words2, wordsInLine); // Merge words
                // Size comparison of words
                if (words1.size() != words2.size()) {
                    cout << words1.size() << " " << words2.size() << endl;
                    cout << "The Two Files Are Not The Same Size..." << endl << endl;
                // Compare words
                for (int i = 0; i < words1.size(); ++i) {
                    if (words1[i].second != words2[i].
    second) { // If words are different
                        int position = indexWord(line1, words2[i].second); // Get position of differing word
                        cout << "Difference found at line " << words1[i].first << ", word position " << position << ":\n";
                        cout << " - File 1: " << words1[i].second << endl;
                        cout << " - File 2: " << words2[i].second << endl << endl;
                cout << "The Two Files Are Identical (Word by word)..." << endl << endl;
            // Close the files
        } else {
            cout << "Error opening one of the files..." << endl;

    5. fileComparison Function

    This function orchestrates the user interaction, guiding them through the comparison process.

    Detailed Explanation:

    • Purpose: To facilitate user input and manage file comparison operations.

      • Process:
        • It welcomes the user and displays a menu of options:
          1. Compare files character by character.
          2. Compare files word by word.
          3. Exit the program.
        • The program enters a loop that continues until the user chooses to exit.
        • Based on the user’s selection:
          • If they choose option 1, it prompts them to enter file paths for character comparison and calls readFromTextFile with "Char".
          • If option 2 is selected, it prompts for file paths for word comparison and calls readFromTextFile with "String".
          • If option 3 is selected, the loop breaks, effectively exiting the program.
        • If an invalid choice is made, it prompts the user to enter a valid option.

    Code Implementation:

    void fileComparison() {
        cout << setw(40) << "Welcome To File Comparison Program." << endl << endl;
        while (true) {
            cout << "Please select an option by entering the corresponding number to proceed." << endl;
            cout << "1. Compare files character by character." << endl;
            cout << "2. Compare files word by word." << endl;
            cout << "3. Exit." << endl;
            string menuChoice;
            cin >> menuChoice; // User choice input
            if (menuChoice == "1") {
                string firstFilePath, secondFilePath;
                cout << "Enter the path for the first file: ";
                cin >> firstFilePath;
                cout << "Enter the path for the second file: ";
                cin >> secondFilePath;
                readFromTextFile("Char", firstFilePath, secondFilePath); // Character comparison
            else if (menuChoice == "2") {
                string firstFilePath, secondFilePath;
                cout << "Enter the path for the first file: ";
                cin >> firstFilePath;
                cout << "Enter the path for the second file: ";
                cin >> secondFilePath;
                readFromTextFile("String", firstFilePath, secondFilePath); // Word comparison
            else if (menuChoice == "3") {
                cout << "Exiting program..." << endl;
                break; // Exit loop
            else cout << "Please Enter A Valid Choice (from 1 to 3)..." << endl << endl; // Invalid input handling

    Summary of Functionality

    • User Interaction: The program starts by welcoming the user and presenting options for file comparison.
      • File Handling: It reads the contents of the specified files, ensuring that they are opened successfully before proceeding with comparisons.
      • Comparison Logic: Depending on the user's choice, the program performs character-by-character or word-by-word comparisons, outputting any differences found along with their context.
      • Output: It clearly communicates the results of the comparisons, informing the user whether the files are identical or detailing the differences found.
      • Error Handling: The program accounts for potential errors, such as failing to open files or invalid user inputs, providing appropriate feedback to the user.


If you'd like to contribute to this repository, feel free to fork the project and create a pull request with your changes. Make sure to follow the coding standards and ensure your changes are well-documented.



This project is licensed under the MIT License – see the LICENSE file for details.


A project for the CS213 course, featuring solutions and code implementations for Assignment 1, Task 1. Focuses on applying key problem-solving concepts and algorithms to real-world challenges.








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