ESPNcricinfo Clone
I am student in Masai school from part time batch.In unit-4 we are going through construct week in which i have to work on a group project with my batch mates Zain Sheikh,Yogeshwari Suryawanshi and Utam Mehta. we have to clone site in a week.
ESPNcricinfo is a website which gives the details of cricket sport like cricket matches throughout the world, cricket news can be seen ,can watch the live score and many more.
we have use HTML,CSS,Javascript
Home page consist of two thing one is navbar and other is bottom of navbar
We can apply filter as shown in the navbar
Some important link are provided like when we click on news page it will take us to the news page
Same when we click on Live Scores it will show the Live Score page
When we click on fantasy it will take us to the sign in & login page
Navbar have several links likes
1)Question Page
2)Live Scores page
3)All Team page
4)ICC ranking page
5)Fantasy (Login & Sign up)
In this bottom navbar we can see a navbar which gives the live scores, series and many more.
In first column all the important link are provided.
In second column all the current crickets news can be seen.
In third column all the thing that happen in cricket on current date.
We can select type question from ODI/T20/TEST.
One input tag is there when we enter the question it will show the answer for it.
At last point some question are already provided.
On this page everyone can see live matches that are going live at that time.
We have added some functionality to this page .if i click on international button you can see only international matches.
Similarly if anyone want to see only t20 ,ODI,TEST,Domestic all the buttons you will see only those matches who related to particular button.
On this page everyone can see the all popular teams of cricket
We can see popular international men teams
We can see popular international women teams
We can see IPL 2022 teams.
In this page We can see all the top 10 Ranking teams according rating points.
All TEST and ODI Ranking can be seen.
On right side,we see the latest news related to the cricket throughout the world.
At bottom-right we can ask some Question related to cricket,Cricket expert will answer.
In this page first we have to create an account by clicking on sign up.
After creating an account we are able to login,we have to use same credential which we used at the time of sign up.
Now we can play fantasy game here.
Whenever anyone will click on any image or text it will redirect you to the detail news about that image or text.
On left side you will find the older news also.
As we are four member of team we have give every individual to work on different pages according to there choice. As Mohit is strong in functionality, Yogeshwari is strong in local storage,Zain is strong in CSS and I my self strong in HTML so we have divided our work in such a way that everyone will get there strong part to work on. We use to have meet most probably every night to see if any one got stuck on any part,so we can resolve it. Challenges Faced While using GITHub we by mistake done some change in the main branch then again we have correct it,this happen just one day before the presentation. As a part time batch we have very less time to do the project. During merging two pages top navbar page and bottom navbar page we both member have use the same id, so we have to Changes the id of one member it took our whole day to change the CSS property also. Conclusion Collaboration is most important aspect for any project.During the construct week we understand each other a lot, we have debats for certain things,and we have sorted the thing as soon as possible.As we are from the part time batch so it very hard to bring every individual at common time and do meet’s, so we use to spend our full night in the project and meeting.when everyone is sleeping we are still working hard.
At last we have clone the with it’s main functionality which we have shown through images. The project repository is available on GITHub.
Uttam Kumar Mehta GitHub : Linkedin : Yogeshwari Suryawanshi GitHub : Linkedin : Zain Sheikh GitHub : Linkedin : Mohit Indoriya GitHub : Linkedin : GITHUb Repository link of ESPNcricinfo project: 6