- All the components from UI Thing.
- So this may impact performance. I'm not sure. I would recommend that you delete the components that you do not need.
- All the components from Inspire UI.
- Just copy component code into components => Inspire folder, and if there is any cn function import, remove it.
- Dark Mode.
- Theme Costomizer.
- i18n.
- State Manage(Pinia).
- Tailwind.
- Lucide Icon Pack.
- Zod.
- Notivue was also added to the project.
- This is not needed, I just wanted another toast library to play with. Feel free to remove it if the built in toast works for you.
- V-Wave.
- It just adds a ripple effect any component that you want. It's pretty cool. You can remove it if you don't need it.
The starter is deployed on Netlify here.
git clone --recurse-submodules <repo-url>
Install the dependencies
pnpm i:all
Start the dev server
pnpm dev
This boilerplate is powering the following website:
Originally Forked from https://ui-thing.behonbaker.com/