I'm not a web developer/designer but sometimes I like to reinvent the wheel in free times to build my tool set!
Kiwi is one of them. I was looking for a simple, light and open source blog CMS and found "Miniblog.Core", after some tests I realized it's very basic with a lot of bad code smells and I decide to improve it but it seems the repo owner is busy and don't review pull requests!
Kiwi is a simple and light open-source blog management system written in C# using .NetCore 3.1 and LightDB as database.
Features :
- Markdown post editor
- Post and manage comments
- Set blog information (Title, Desc, About and etc.)
- Export visitors (Ip Address, UserAgent) which will be used to visitor analysis later
- Database Backup/Restore
- New features will be added soon ...
All data (including posts, images and blog info) that uploaded in Kiwi stores in LightDB database, I know saving files in the database is not a good principle but this is a light blog framework for personal use and I want to have a simple backup/restore solution. Take it easy.
Below is the default credentials of Kiwi, you can change it in the admin panel which is accessible at [YourDomain]/login :
Username: Kiwi
Password: K!w!Bl0g