Python script that get the name of eatch memeber of the team in a ranked champ select, get the elo, winrate, and rank of eatch player, and print all the necessary information in the chat.
requirements: - python (download: https://www.python.org/downloads/)
- pip (download: https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installation/)
pip install lcu_driver
pip install riotwatcher
you need to past your api key line 18
your api key here
api_key = 'RGAPI-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'
if you are not in euw, you also need to change the region line 20
here is the list of region
in lowercase
for create a LobbyReveal.exe
pip install PyInstaller # if you don't have it
python3 -O -m PyInstaller LobbyReveal.py --onefile -n LobbyReveal
the LobbyReveal.exe must be in ./dist/LobbyReveal.exe
or run normaly with python
python3 LobbyReveal.py
Please contact me on discord if you have any questions. Momolly#7525