The third iteration of monablanc.github.io, a portofolio made from scratch and that i intend to put my projects on. I realized this project while learning HTML and CSS, this is the first website I create. I intend to put my projects on it so I will keep it updated regulary. This project will evolve along my knowledge of frontend. That is why there are different versions.
My goal is to make a website with the complete 3D Model of the room using Vue and Three.js. I also want to find a way to load the model smoothly.
Quality Gate | Bugs | Vulnerabilities | Code Smells | Maintainability Rating |
Color | Hex |
Prussian Blue | #003249 |
Cerulean | #007EA7 |
Non Photo Blue | #80CED7 |
Non Photo Blue | #9AD1D4 |
Platinium | #CCDBDC |