update-version is a developer tool to update the .NET project versions.
Install update-version via the following command:
$ dotnet tool install -g Monbsoft.UpdateVersion
Run update-version --help
for information about usage.
Developer tool to update the Visual Studio project versions.
update-version [options] [command]
-?, -h, --help Show help and usage information
--version Show version information
list Lists all project versions
major Increment major version number
minor Increment minor version number
patch Increment patch version number
build Increment build version number
pre Increment pre-release version number
set <version> Set the version of the projects.
Update minor versions with the following command:
$ update-version minor
Set versions with following command:
$ update-version set 1.0.2
Update major versions via the following command:
$ update-version major --message "Change version"
Git options via the following command:
-m, --message <message> Message of the git commit
-a, --add All files in the entire working tree
-t, --tag Tag of the git commit
- Jon Grythe Stødle, [jonstodle / DotnetVersion], DotnetVersion : A simple tool to update the version number of your project. If you know of "yarn version", this is that for NET.
- David Fallah,[TAGC / dotnet-setversion], dotnet-setversion: .NET Core CLI tool to update the version information in .NET Core *.csproj files.
- [dotnet / tye], Tye is a tool that makes developing, testing, and deploying microservices and distributed applications easier. Project Tye includes a local orchestrator to make developing microservices easier and the ability to deploy microservices to Kubernetes with minimal configuration.
- [dotnet / command-line-api],command-line-api: Command line parsing, invocation, and rendering of terminal output.