FbHash (frequency-based hashing) is a similarity hashing tool designed to detect similarity between two digital artifacts. FbHash computes similarity on the scale of 0 to 100, where 0 indicates no similarity and 100 indicates the 100% similarity or an exact copy.
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FbHash works in the following two steps:
1. Similarity digest generation: takes a digital artifact as input and generates the similarity digest or fingerprint.
2. Digest comparison: takes two similarity digest files as input and generates a similarity score of two fingerprints.
Use the following options to run the tool.
-fd [ --file-digest ] generate digests of a file
-d [ --digest ] generate digests of all files in the directory
-o [ --output ] stores digest to the file
-c [ --compare ] compare two digest files
-t [ --threshold ] show results >= threshold (only works with compare option)
-v [ --version ] print the version information
-h [ --help ] print help instructions
To generate digest of a file use following command:
fbhash -fd "SourcefileName" -o "outputFileName"
example: fbhash -fd Test-Data\RandomFragment\Text\000504.text -o digest1.text -
To generate digest of all the file in a folder use following command:
fbhash -d "SourcefolderName" -o "outputFileName"
example: fbhash -d Test-Data\RandomFragment\Text -o digest1.text -
To compare two digest use following command:
fbhash -c digest1 digest2
Note: Requires java runtime environment build 1.8.0 or above.