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This project contain iOS native UI-test for Beam app. Test based on XCUITest framework (engine) + XCfit (BDD) + Allure report (report).


  • macOS ≥ 10.13.4
  • Xcode ≥ 9.4
  • Homebrew
  • Ruby ≥ 2.3
  • JDK ≥ 8


  • Install xcfit with this command:

    sudo gem install xcfit

  • Install carthage from homebrew

    brew install carthage

  • Install allure-commandline from homebrew

    brew install allure

  • Install bundler gem and gems from bundle

    gem install bundler cd ~/beam_xcuitest_demo bundle install

  • Install swift dependencies via carthage

    cd ~/beam_xcuitest_demo carthage update

  • Edit SampleConfig.swift with the required values and rename it to Config.swift (API doc of reddit)

Run tests

Local run tests

> # First - manually boot iOS simulator e.g. iPhone 8 Plus 11.4
> cd ~/beam_xcuitest_demo
> xcodebuild -scheme "Xcode9-XCTest" -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 8 Plus,OS=11.4' build test CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="" CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO
> allure serve ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Beam**/Logs/Test

Run tests from CI

> cd ~/beam_xcuitest_demo
> bash ./ci/start,sh ${DEVICE} ${HEADLESS}