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Releases: MonzUn/Mirage


25 Mar 19:29
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Upped the version number to 0.8 and made sure that the version number…


28 Jan 09:00
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Available CLI commands:

  • Host - Hosts a new session
  • Connect - Requests a connection to a host on the input IP
  • Disconnect <PlayerID (1-4)> - Disconnect the player with the supplied ID and closes the session if hosting
  • Prime <PlayerID (1-4)> - Primes the screenshot cycle of the player with the supplied ID
  • Quit - Closes the application


  • Grave - Synchronizes a screenshot
  • Tab - Synchronizes a screenshot every other time it is pressed
  • Angled brackets (Left of Z; right of Shift) - Primes screenshot cycle

Known issues:

  • Application may freeze on CLI output.
    • Workaround: Hit enter in CLI to unfreeze it.


  • Screenshots are taken from the main screen desktop only.
  • Fullscreen DirectX applications are not supported.
  • Application may trigger anti virus heuristics as key input is being used by a non focused process.

Change log:

  • Split screenshot into smaller parts and created a layout for them in order to increase visibility and readability
  • A cycled screenshot will no longer be taken when using the alt+ tab key combination
  • Changed the key for priming the cycled screenshots to angled brackets (Left of Z; right of Shift)
  • Added functionality for disconnecting a specific player
  • Added "Prime" command to CLI so that any user can prime any other users cycled screenshots
  • Fixed a bug where a faulty cycled screenshot could be taken if tab was pressed more than two times before the screenshot could be taken.
  • Fixed a memory leak that would occur if a split screenshot failed


31 Dec 11:04
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Available CLI commands:
Host - Hosts a new session
Connect - Requests a connection to a host on the input IP
Disconnect - Disconnects from any connected host and closes the session if hosting
Quit - Closes the application

Grave - Synchronizes a screenshot
Tab - Synchronizes a screenshot every other time it is pressed
CTRL + Tab - Resets tab screenshot cycle and synchronizes a screenshot

Known issues:

  • Application may freeze on CLI output.
    • Workaround: Hit enter in CLI to unfreeze it.


  • Screenshots are taken from the main screen desktop only.
  • Fullscreen DirectX applications are not supported.
  • Application may trigger anti virus heuristics as key input is being used by a non focused process.

Change log:

  • Added disconnection handling.
  • Added protection against mistimed screenshots.
  • Added disconnect and quit CLI commands.
  • Moved image handling to its own thread in order to avoid stalls.
  • Newly connected clients will now always receive the images of all relayed clients.
  • CLI command input is now case insensitive.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur if an invalid IPv4 address was supplied to the connect command.


23 Dec 11:27
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Minimal viable product version.
Can be used to synchronize screenshots between four clients.

Available commands:
host - Hosts a new session
connect - Requests a connection to a host on the inputted IP

Grave - Synchronizes a screenshot
Tab - Synchronizes a screenshot every other time it is pressed
CTRL + Tab - Resets tab screenshot cycle and synchronizes a screenshot

Known issues:

  • Causes input lag when a screenshot is taken.
  • Disconnection is not being handled.


  • Application may trigger anti virus heuristics as key input is being used by a non focused process.
  • Fullscreen DirectX applications are not supported.