Currently under development.
- An Inventory of Female Designers.
- My goal is to incorporate a clickable map that will show the density of female designers around the world.
- I would like it if you can click through the map, and pull up lists by location and skill, and from there click through to the designers websites :)
- Create a nodejs/express/mongoDb App.
- Learn a bit about backend JavaScript.
- This project is created alongside & with thanks to WTM JS Crash Course.
nodejs expressjs mongoDb mongoose pug ava
$ npm install
$ nodemon index.js
make sure mongoDb is running $ brew services start mongodb-community
open localhost:3000
- add new Designer
- name:
- firstName
- LastName
- location: String
- email: String -with validation
- website: String
- skills: Array
- description: String
- name:
- added fullName method
- [TO DO] submit a request to be added to inventory
- add new Skill
- name: String
- add new Location
- name: String
- add new User
- name: String
- email: String
- location: String
- can submit a request to be added to the inventory
- [DONE] name, seperate first and last names
- location, seperate city & country User
- [DEVELOPING]can view Designers by Location
- can view Designers by City/Country
- can view Designers by Skill
- can view Designers Alphabetically
- can view Designers Randomly (home & on refresh)
- can view Designers on a map
- click on Designer and be directed to the Designers Website
- hover over Designer and view a description
- OR hover over Designer and view website
- User can create an account
- User can log in
- User star/favourite a Designer
- User view their favourites list
- User can message/email Designer
Applicaton utilizes axios. To run interactions copy & paste into browser.
add new designer'/designer', { fullName: 'Mel Jones', email: '', website: 'meljonesss.mel'}).then(console.log)'/designer', { fullName: 'Sally Sweet', email: '', website: 'sally.sweet'}).then(console.log)'/designer', { fullName: 'Farrah Lee', email: '', website: ''}).then(console.log)'/designer', { fullName: 'Rosa Jones', email: '', website: ''}).then(console.log)'/designer', { fullName: 'Conor O'Rourke', email: '', website: ''}).then(console.log)'/designer', { fullName: 'Arne Lucas', email: '', website: ''}).then(console.log)
delete designer
add skill to designer'/designer/5dd29b5ebfd250191a6d9c98/skills', { skill: '5dd2bcf12a232e2612439867' }).then(console.log)
add location to designer'/designer/5dd2e4522dd94d3e806d3d6f/location', { location: '5dd2a528bcbc5a2088c5dd44' }).then(console.log)
- add skill'/skill', { name: 'Web Design'}).then(console.log)
- add location'/location', { name: 'Berlin'}).then(console.log)
add new User'/user', { fullName: 'Arne Lucas', email: '' }).then(console.log)
delete User
- Welcome guide for JavaScript Crash Course
- WTM Berlin
A big thanks to all the Teacher & Assistants that gave up their evenings to teach us all about JavaScript, thanks for reviewing our code and keeping us motivated. Armagan, Mert, Omur, Maria, Mihri, Celian, Jason, Anja, JP plus anyone I missed, you're all awesome and I'm super appreciative! Thanks to my classmates for being so great and inspiring! Thanks to Wayfair for the venue and the food! THANKS WTM BERLIN!!! <3 <3 <3
Any advice/suggestions are most welcome!