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The Howl editor <Custom For personal Use>

What is it?

Howl is a general purpose editor that aims to be both lightweight and fully customizable. It's built on top of the very fast LuaJIT runtime, uses Gtk for its interface, and can be extended in either Lua or Moonscript. It's known to work on Linux, but should work on at least the *BSD's as well.

This fork is intended for personal use.

It is released as free software under the MIT See original repo here : Github.

Build requirements

  • wget: For auto-downloading build dependencies.
  • GTK+: Version >= 3, with development files (e.g. libgtk-3-dev on Debian based system).
  • C compiler: Howl has a very small C core itself, and it embeds dependencies written in C.
  • pkg-config: Helper tool to find libraries on the system.

Build && install

Clone the repository or download and unpack a release. Cd into the src directory, and run make && sudo make install. The installed binary will be named howl.

Cheat Sheet

Action Command
Cursor Movement left 'cursor-left'
right 'cursor-right'
up 'cursor-up'
down 'cursor-down'
shift_left 'cursor-left-extend'
shift_right 'cursor-right-extend'
shift_up 'cursor-up-extend'
shift_down 'cursor-down-extend'
alt_up 'editor-move-lines-up'
alt_down 'editor-move-lines-down'
alt_left 'editor-move-text-left'
alt_right 'editor-move-text-right'
page_up 'cursor-page-up'
shift_page_up 'cursor-page-up-extend'
page_down 'cursor-page-down'
shift_page_down 'cursor-page-down-extend'
end 'cursor-line-end'
shift_end 'cursor-line-end-extend'
home 'cursor-home'
shift_home 'cursor-home-extend'
ctrl_home 'cursor-start'
ctrl_shift_home 'cursor-start-extend'
ctrl_end 'cursor-eof'
ctrl_shift_end 'cursor-eof-extend'
ctrl_left 'cursor-word-left'
ctrl_right 'cursor-word-right-end'
ctrl_up 'editor-scroll-up'
ctrl_down 'editor-scroll-down'
ctrl_shift_left 'cursor-word-left-extend'
ctrl_shift_right 'cursor-word-right-end-extend'
ctrl_shift_up 'editor-scroll-up'
ctrl_shift_down 'editor-scroll-down'
Text Editing tab 'editor-smart-tab'
shift_tab 'editor-smart-back-tab'
backspace 'editor-delete-back'
shift_backspace 'editor-delete-back'
ctrl_backspace 'editor-delete-back-word'
delete 'editor-delete-forward'
ctrl_delete 'editor-delete-forward-word'
return 'editor-newline'
ctrl_return 'editor-newline-below'
ctrl_shift_return 'editor-newline-above'
ctrl_k 'editor-delete-to-end-of-line'
ctrl_shift_k 'editor-delete-line'
ctrl_i 'editor-indent'
ctrl_shift_i 'editor-indent-all'
ctrl_h 'buffer-replace'
ctrl_s 'save'
ctrl_shift_s 'save-as'
ctrl_v 'editor-paste'
ctrl_shift_v 'editor-paste..'
ctrl_x 'editor-cut'
ctrl_z 'editor-undo'
ctrl_y 'editor-redo'
ctrl_slash 'editor-toggle-comment'
ctrl_space 'editor-complete'
ctrl_tab 'view-next'
shift_delete 'editor-cut'
shift_insert 'editor-paste'
ctrl_insert 'editor-copy'
ctrl_a 'editor-select-all'
Buffer & File Management ctrl_b 'switch-buffer'
ctrl_c 'editor-copy'
ctrl_d 'editor-duplicate-current'
ctrl_f 'buffer-search-forward'
ctrl_r 'buffer-search-backward'
ctrl_comma 'buffer-search-word-backward'
ctrl_period 'buffer-search-word-forward'
ctrl_g 'buffer-grep'
ctrl_w 'buffer-close'
ctrl_n 'new-buffer'
alt_s 'buffer-structure'
alt_q 'editor-reflow-paragraph'
Project Management ctrl_o 'open'
ctrl_shift_o 'open-recent'
ctrl_p 'project-open'
ctrl_shift_r 'exec'
ctrl_alt_r 'project-exec'
ctrl_shift_b 'project-build'
Window & View ctrl_shift_w 'view-close'
ctrl_- 'zoom-out'
ctrl_+ 'zoom-in'
f11 'window-toggle-fullscreen'
alt_x 'run'
alt_j 'open-journal'
shift_alt_left 'view-left-or-create'
shift_alt_right 'view-right-or-create'
shift_alt_up 'view-up-or-create'
shift_alt_down 'view-down-or-create'
Navigation ctrl_< 'navigate-back'
ctrl_> 'navigate-forward'
alt_< 'navigate-go-to'
alt_g 'cursor-goto-line'
Version Control ctrl_shift_d 'vc-diff-file'
ctrl_alt_d 'vc-diff'


This fork is released under the MIT license (see the file for the full details).