Warning: this library is in development. First release should be ready in few days.
This library is a basic PHP SDK for the timekit.io API.
This SDK doesn't fully cover the timekit.io API endpoints. Only the following endpoints are covered:
Covered end-point | Timekit.io documentation |
POST /resources |
https://developers.timekit.io/reference#resources |
PUT /resources/{id} |
https://developers.timekit.io/reference#resources-id |
DELETE /resources/{id} |
https://developers.timekit.io/reference#delete-resource |
GET /resources/{id} |
https://developers.timekit.io/reference#resourcesid |
POST /bookings |
https://developers.timekit.io/reference#bookings |
DELETE /bookings/{id} |
https://developers.timekit.io/reference#delete-a-booking |
PUT /bookings/{id}/{state} |
https://developers.timekit.io/reference#bookingsidaction |
POST /availability |
https://developers.timekit.io/reference#query-availability-v2 |
composer require moovone/timekit-php-sdk
use Moovone\TimekitPhpSdk\GuzzleClient;
$httpClient = new GuzzleClient($apiKey);
$payload = [
'timezone' => 'Europe/Paris',
'name' => 'John Doe',
$resource = $this->httpClient->createResource($payload);
This SDK provides models for the following availability constraints:
- allow day and time: AllowDayAndTimeAvailabilityConstraint
- block day and time: BlockDayAndTimeAvailabilityConstraint
- allow hours: AllowHoursAvailabilityConstraint
- block hours: BlockHoursAvailabilityConstraint
- allow day: AllowDayAvailabilityConstraint
- block day: BlockDayAvailabilityConstraint
- allow period: AllowPeriodAvailabilityConstraint
- block period: BlockPeriodAvailabilityConstraint
- allow weekdays: AllowWeekdaysAvailabilityConstraint
- block weekdays: BlockWeekdaysAvailabilityConstraint
- allow weekends: AllowWeekendsAvailabilityConstraint
- block weekends: BlockWeekendsAvailabilityConstraint
All those models provide a convertToPayloadEntry
method which will convert them to a timekit-api payload-compliant json.
$payload = [
'timezone' => $timezone,
'first_name' => $firstName,
'last_name' => $lastName,
'name' => sprintf('%s %s', $firstName, $lastName),
$resource = $this->httpClient->createResource($payload);
$payload = [
'timezone' => $timezone,
'first_name' => $firstName,
'last_name' => $lastName,
'name' => sprintf('%s %s', $firstName, $lastName),
$this->httpClient->updateResource($resourceId, $payload);
$resource = $this->httpClient->getResource($resourceId);
$start = (new \DateTime())->modify('+1 hour');
$booking = $this->httpClient->createBooking($remoteId, $start, (clone $start)->modify('+30 minutes'), 'My first booking');
use MoovOne\TimekitPhpSdk\Model\Booking;
$booking = $this->httpClient->updateBookingState($bookingId, Booking::STATE_CANCEL);
use MoovOne\TimekitPhpSdk\Model\Availability;
$payload = [
'mode' => Availability::TYPE_ROUNDROBIN_RANDOM,
'length' => '60 minutes',
'round_to_nearest_hour' => false,
'from' => 'tomorrow',
'to' => '3 days',
'buffer' => '5 minutes',
'timeslot_increments' => '15 minutes',
'resources' => [$resourceId],
$availabilities = $this->httpClient->getAvailabilities($payload);