Paper | Tutorials | Examples | Demo
MolScore contains code to score de novo compounds in the context of generative de novo design by generative models via the subpackage molscore
, as well as, facilitate downstream evaluation via the subpackage moleval
. An objective is defined via a JSON file which can be shared to propose new multi-parameter objectives for drug design. MolScore can be used in several ways:
- To implement a multi-parameter objective to for prospective drug design.
- To benchmark objectives/generative models/optimization using benchmark mode (MolScoreBenchmark).
- To implement a sequence of objectives using curriculum mode (MolScoreCurriculum).
Contributions and/or ideas for added functionality are welcomed!
Install MolScore with PyPI (recommended):
pip install molscore --upgrade
or directly from GitHub:
git clone
cd MolScore ; pip install -e .
Note: I recommend mamba for environment handling
Simplest integration of MolScore requires a config file, for example:
from molscore import MolScore
ms = MolScore(
while not ms.finished:
scores = ms.score(SMILES)
Note: see tutorial for more detail
A GUI exists to help write the config file, which can be run with the following command.
Note: see tutorial for more detail
Scoring functionality
Scoring functions
- Descriptors: RDKit, Maximum consecutive rotatable bonds, Penalized LogP, LinkerDescriptors (Fragment linking),
- MolSkill: Extracting medicinal chemistry intuition via preference machine learning as available on Nature Communications.
- Synthesizability: RAscore, AiZynthFinder, SAscore, ReactionFilters (Scaffold decoration)
- 2D Similarity: Fingerprint similarity (any RDKit fingerprint and similarity measure), substructure match/filter, Applicability domain
- 3D Similarity: ROCS, Open3DAlign
- QSAR: Scikit-learn (classification/regression), ChemProp
- Docking: Glidea, Smina, OpenEyea, GOLDa, PLANTS, rDock, Vina, Gnina
- Ligand preparation: RDKit->Epik, Moka->Corina, Ligprep, Gypsum-DL
a Requires a license
Transformation functions (transform values to [0-1])
- Linear
- Linear threshold
- Step
- Step threshold
- Gaussian
Aggregation functions (combine multiple scores into 1)
- Arithmetic mean
- Geometric mean
- Weighted sum
- Weighted product
- Auto-weighted sum/product
- Pareto front
Filters (applied to final aggregated score)
- Any scoring function as a filter
- Diversity filters
Benchmarks are lists of objectives (configuration files) with metrics calculated upon exit. Re-implementations of existing benchmarks are available as presets.
from molscore import MolScoreBenchmark
msb = MolScoreBenchmark(
for task in msb:
while not task.finished:
scores = task.score(SMILES)
Current benchmarks available include: GuacaMol, GuacaMol_Scaffold, MolOpt, 5HT2A_PhysChem, 5HT2A_Selectivity, '5HT2A_Docking', LibINVENT Exp1&3, MolExp(L)
Note: inspect preset benchmarks with
Note: see tutorial for more detail
The moleval
subpackage can be used to calculate metrics for an arbitrary set of molecules.
from moleval.metrics.metrics import GetMetrics
MetricEngine = GetMetrics(
test=TEST_SMILES, # Model training data subset
train=TRAIN_SMILES, # Model training data
target=TARGET_SMILES, # Exemplary target data
metrics = MetricEngine.calculate(
GEN_SMILES, # Generated data
Note: see tutorial for more detail
Metrics available
Intrinsice metrics (generated molecules only)
- Validity, Uniqueness, Scaffold uniqueness, Internal diversity (1 & 2), Scaffold diversity
- Sphere exclusion diversity: Measure of chemical space coverage at a specific Tanimoto similarity threshold. I.e., A score 0.5 indicates 50% of the sample size sufficiently describes the chemical space, therefore the higher the metric the more diverse the sample. Also see here
- Solow Polasky diversity
- Functional group diversity
- Ring system diversity
- Filters: Passing of a set of drug-like filters (MolWt, Rotatable bonds, LogP etc.), Medicinal Chemistry substructures and PAINS substructures.
- Purchasability: Molbloom prediction of presence in ZINC20
Extrinsic metrics (comparison to reference molecules)
- Novelty
- Analogue similarity: Proportion of generated molecules that are analogues to molecules in reference data.
- Analogue coverage: Proportion of reference data that are analogues to generated data.
- Functional group similarity
- Ring system similarity
- Single nearest neighbour similarity
- Fragment similarity
- Scaffold similarity
- Outlier bits (Silliness): Average proportion of fingerprint bits (atomic environments) present in a generated molecule, not present anywhere in the reference data. The lower the silliness the better.
- Wasserstein distance (LogP, SA Score, NP score, QED, Weight)
Curriculum learning (see tutorial)
Experience replay buffers (see tutorial)
Parallelisation (see tutorial)
A GUI for monitoring generated molecules (see below)
If you use this software, please cite it as below.
title={MolScore: a scoring, evaluation and benchmarking framework for generative models in de novo drug design},
author={Thomas, Morgan and O’Boyle, Noel M and Bender, Andreas and De Graaf, Chris},
journal={Journal of Cheminformatics},
This software was also utilised in the following publications:
- Thomas, M., Smith, R.T., O’Boyle, N.M. et al. Comparison of structure- and ligand-based scoring functions for deep generative models: a GPCR case study. J Cheminform 13, 39 (2021).
- Thomas M, O'Boyle NM, Bender A, de Graaf C. Augmented Hill-Climb increases reinforcement learning efficiency for language-based de novo molecule generation. J Cheminform 14, 68 (2022).
- Handa K, Thomas M, Kageyama M, Iijima T, Bender A. On the difficulty of validating molecular generative models realistically: a case study on public and proprietary data. J Cheminform 15, 112 (2023).
- Thomas M, Ahmad M, Tresadern G, de Fabritiis G. PromptSMILES: Prompting for scaffold decoration and fragment linking in chemical language models. J Cheminform 16, 77 (2024).
- Bou A, Thomas M, Dittert S, Ramírez CN, Majewski M, Wang Y, Patel S, Tresadern G, Ahmad M, Moens V, Sherman W. ACEGEN: Reinforcement learning of generative chemical agents for drug discovery. J Chem Inf Model 64, 15 (2024).
- Thomas M, Matricon PG, Gillespie RJ, Napiórkowska M, Neale H, Mason JS, Brown J, Fieldhouse C, Swain NA, Geng T, O'Boyle NM. Modern hit-finding with structure-guided de novo design: identification of novel nanomolar adenosine A2A receptor ligands using reinforcement learning. ChemRxiv (2024)