A toolkit for preprocessing single cell sequencing data.
- Error handling implementing to capture missing or incorrect parameters, and unexpected file content
- Peaks in between barcodes need further investigation
- Plot generated by harvest currently will not handle > 1 barcode peak per whitelist
- Benchmark different assays (SPLiTseq, Parse, 10X) and methods (split-pipe, scarecrow, UMI tools)
- barcode recovery
- alignment (STAR and kallisto)
- Test alignment with kallisto and STAR
- may need to alter sequence header formatting depending on what is retained in BAM file
mamba create --name scarecrow python=3.12
mamba activate scarecrow
mamba install git pip
pip install git+https://github.com/pachterlab/seqspec.git
pip install git+https://github.com/MorganResearchLab/scarecrow.git
mamba install numpy, scipy, pandas, seaborn
There are currently three tools: seed
, harvest
, reap
, each of which feeds into the next. Using a small subset of paired-end sequencing reads (~10K ), the seed
tool identifies barcode seeds within reads and records the counts to a CSV file. This should be run on each barcode whitelist if the library structure is uncertain.
# Find barcode seeds
scarecrow seed --fastqs <paired_fastq_R1> <paired_fastq_R2> --strands pos neg --out <BC1_counts.csv> \
--barcodes BC1:v1:<v1_whitelist.txt>
scarecrow seed --fastqs <paired_fastq_R1> <paired_fastq_R2> --strands pos neg --out <BC2_counts.csv> \
--barcodes BC2:n198:<n198_whitelist.txt>
scarecrow seed --fastqs <paired_fastq_R1> <paired_fastq_R2> --strands pos neg --out <BC3_counts.csv> \
--barcodes BC3:v3:<v3_whitelist.txt>
The resulting CSV files are then processed with harvest
to identify barcode alignment peaks. The minimum distance between barcodes can be provided, and the number of peaks (--barcode_count) to return. Optionally, a conserved sequences TSV file generated by seed
can be provided to exclude barcodes matching within these regions. The results are recorded to a CSV file and a histogram of the peaks is plotted to a PNG file. The CSV table should be edited if necessary to ensure that the barcode_whitelist values are unique.
# Harvest barcode positions
scarecrow harvest <BC1_counts.csv> <BC2_counts.csv> <BC3_counts.csv> \
--barcode_count 3 --min_distance 10 --conserved <BC1_conserved.tsv> \
--out <barcode_positions.csv>
# Edit <barcode_positions.csv> barcode_whitelist so that each barcode (BC) has a unique name, e.g.:
# read start end orientation barcode_whitelist read_count read_fraction
# 0 read1 10 18 forward [('BC1', 'v1')] 9485 0.95
# 1 read1 48 56 forward [('BC2', 'v1')] 8393 0.84
# 2 read1 79 87 forward [('BC3', 'n198')] 6002 0.60
Finally, the reap
tool extracts a target sequence (i.e. cDNA) and its associated quality values from either read 1 or read2. This sequence data is written to a new fastq file, and the combination of cell barcodes identified near the positions previously estimated are appened to the sequence header. The jitter
value is the flanking distance to extend the barcode search for from the start and end positions of the barcode peaks. mismatch
is the maximum number of mismatches between an expected and observed barcode sequence.
# Reap target sequence from fastqs (TBC)
scarecrow reap --fastqs <paired_fastq_R1> <paired_fastq_R2> --barcode_positions <barcode_positions.csv> \
--barcodes BC1:v1:<v1_whitelist.txt> BC2:v1:<v1_whitelist.txt> BC3:n198:<n198_whitelist.txt> \
--jitter 2 --mismatches 2 --base_quality 30 --extract 1:1-64 --out cDNA.fastq
# seed
# barcodes
# Exract 100K reads
zcat -c ${R1} | head --l 400000 > ${OUTDIR}/fastq/100K_1.fastq
zcat -c ${R2} | head --l 400000 > ${OUTDIR}/fastq/100K_2.fastq
# Identify barcode seeds
scarecrow seed --fastqs ${R1} ${R2} --strands pos neg \
-o ${OUTDIR}/results/barcodes_${BARCODE%:*:*}.csv --barcodes ${BARCODE}
# Harvest barcode peaks
scarecrow harvest ${FILES[@]} --barcode_count 3 --min_distance 11 \
--out ${OUTDIR}/barcode_positions.csv
# Reap cDNA
scarecrow reap --fastqs ${R1} ${R2} -p ${OUTDIR}/barcode_positions.csv \
-j 5 -m 1 --barcodes ${BARCODES[@]} --read1 0-64 --out ./cDNA.fq.gz
scarecrow seed --fastqs ${R1} ${R2} --strands pos neg \
-o ./results/barcodes_${BARCODE%:*:*}.csv --barcodes ${BARCODE}
scarecrow harvest ${FILES[@]} --barcode_count 3 --min_distance 11 \
--conserved ./results/barcodes_BC1_conserved.tsv --out barcode_positions.csv
time scarecrow reap --fastqs ${R1} ${R2} -p ./barcode_positions.csv --barcode_reverse_order \
-j 2 -m 2 -q 30 --barcodes ${BARCODES[@]} --extract 1:1-64 --umi 2:1-10 --out ./cDNA.fq --threads 4
scarecrow tally -f ./cDNA.fq
scarecrow harvest ${FILES[@]} --barcode_count 3 --min_distance 11
--conserved ./barcode_profiles/Parse/barcodes.BC1_conserved.tsv --out ./test.csv
Details on RG tags: https://github.com/samtools/hts-specs https://github.com/samtools/hts-specs/blob/master/SAMtags.pdf https://www.biostars.org/p/9593008/
import pysam
def add_tags_to_sam(input_sam, output_sam):
with pysam.AlignmentFile(input_sam, "r") as infile, pysam.AlignmentFile(output_sam, "w", header=infile.header) as outfile:
for read in infile:
# Extract the sequence header
fastq_header = read.query_name
# Parse the barcodes and UMI from the FASTQ header
# Example header: "@LH00509:177:22W5HTLT3:1:1101:46251:1000 1:N:0:CAGATCAC+ATGTGAAG barcodes=TCTGATCC_GAACAGGC_ATCCTGTA positions=51_31_11 mismatches=0_0_0 UMI=NGAACTGAGT"
details = fastq_header.split(" ")
attributes = {item.split("=")[0]: item.split("=")[1] for item in details if "=" in item}
# Add the CB and ZU tags if available
if "barcodes" in attributes:
read.set_tag("CB", attributes["barcodes"], value_type="Z")
if "UMI" in attributes:
read.set_tag("ZU", attributes["UMI"], value_type="Z")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Failed to parse header for read {fastq_header}: {e}")
# Write the updated read to the output SAM file
# Input and output SAM file paths
input_sam = "input.sam"
output_sam = "output.sam"
add_tags_to_sam(input_sam, output_sam)
More efficient approach, which may require a lot of RAM
import pysam
def preprocess_fastq_headers(fastq_file):
"""Preprocess FASTQ headers to create a mapping of read names to tags."""
read_tags = {}
with open(fastq_file, "r") as fq:
for line in fq:
if line.startswith("@"):
# Extract the read name and tags
fastq_header = line.strip()
read_name = fastq_header.split(" ")[0][1:] # Remove "@" and split to get the read name
attributes = {item.split("=")[0]: item.split("=")[1] for item in fastq_header.split() if "=" in item}
# Store barcodes and UMI if they exist
barcodes = attributes.get("barcodes", None)
umi = attributes.get("UMI", None)
read_tags[read_name] = {"CB": barcodes, "ZU": umi}
return read_tags
def add_tags_to_sam(input_sam, output_sam, read_tags):
"""Add tags to SAM file based on the preprocessed FASTQ headers."""
with pysam.AlignmentFile(input_sam, "r") as infile, pysam.AlignmentFile(output_sam, "w", header=infile.header) as outfile:
for read in infile:
if read.query_name in read_tags:
tags = read_tags[read.query_name]
if tags["CB"]:
read.set_tag("CB", tags["CB"], value_type="Z")
if tags["ZU"]:
read.set_tag("ZU", tags["ZU"], value_type="Z")
# Paths to the input files
fastq_file = "input.fastq"
input_sam = "input.sam"
output_sam = "output.sam"
# Preprocess FASTQ headers and add tags
read_tags = preprocess_fastq_headers(fastq_file)
add_tags_to_sam(input_sam, output_sam, read_tags)