MagicLit is a powerful and intuitive web application built with the Streamlit framework. This project aims to showcase the capabilities of Streamlit and provide a seamless user experience for creating interactive applications.
- Efficient fragment functionality for fast page refresh.
- Organized pages and a menu system for easy navigation.
- Customizable color scheme to suit your preferences.
- Enhanced components to enhance functionality.
- Comprehensive documentation for easy understanding and implementation.
- Go to and login with any information.
- Read the tutorial on the main page.
- Explore the different sections and navigate through the menu.
Contributions are welcome! If you have any ideas or improvements, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.
MagicLit was built with love and inspiration from the Streamlit community. We extend our gratitude to the developers and contributors for their valuable contributions and support.
For any questions or inquiries, please contact or @mortafix on Telegram.