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In this document you will find an explanation on how to use the Mosweed CMS starter kit.


To use this package, you'll need:

  • Laravel framework 11

  • To use with Livewire v3

  • PHP 8.2 or higher

When installing this package, the following packages will be installed:

  • Mollie / mollie-api-php

  • Spatie/laravel-medialibary

  • Barryvdh/laravel-dompdf : *2.1.0


You can install the package via composer:

composer require Mosweed/Mosweed_cms

Php artisan Mosweed_cms:install

Installation Process:

  1. First, the required packages will be installed.
  2. All necessary files will be published.
  3. You will be prompted with the following questions:
    • Do you want to install Jetstream Livewire dark?
      You can answer with YES or NO, but we recommend installing it.
    • New database migrations were added. Would you like to re-run your migrations and seeders?
      It is best to answer YES if you want to set up an admin or SMTP configuration.
    • Create a new admin:
      php artisan create:admin
      This will create an admin role, allowing you to manage the CMS.
    • Create a new SMTP setting:
      php artisan smtp:setting
      This will generate a new configuration, responsible for sending emails, and can also be managed in the CMS.

After these commands, the following will be automatically installed:

  • npm install
  • npm run dev
  • php artisan storage:link

All old migrations, the User Model, errors folder in the view, and providers in the app will be removed.

Block Editor Elements:

To create a block, use the following command:

php artisan dropblockeditor:make {name}


php artisan dropblockeditor:make Text

After make, you can specify a name for the element.

Two files will be created:

  • App/view/components/blocks/{name}
  • Resources/views/components/blocks/{name}

In the first file, you'll find variables:

  • Title: This is the block name.
  • Icon: The SVG icon with dimensions 0 0 24 24.
  • Category: The category under which this block will be listed.
  • Data: This contains an array of data related to the element.

In the second file, the data will be displayed and processed. When a field is changed, the UPDATE function will be triggered.


  • users

  • products

  • shopcarts

  • shipping_methods

  • payments_methods

  • customers

  • order_items

  • orders

  • addresses

  • pages

  • roles

  • coupons

  • categories

  • emailconfiguraties

  • orders_emails

  • api_configrations


  • Name: pages

  • Data: [title, slug, status, content]

  • The Route key is a slug



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.