v1.4.0 - soundtrack
Official soundtrack by NeonInsect released at last! Note that the app size went up a fair bit for that reason (9ish mb to 61mb with bundled JREs on top of that for PC)
The way our Android build is prepared also changed a bit, could be unexpected issues, especially on older devices.
Other changes
- Star gates should no longer spawn within each other
- Ship icon should be visible while jumping between gates
- Equipped weapons should persist through reloads
- Lots of technical refactoring for later improvements
- Credits updated
- Mouse cursor may behave better in some edge cases reported occasionally (we upgraded LibGDX, the game library used by DS)
For playing on a PC we now also integrated the CrashReporter originally designed for Terasology, so it should be easier to report crash issues.
On a related note check out http://hastyhamster.net for a new game from Milosh, original creator of Destination Sol :-)