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2023 Revive - Milestone 3

Closed Jun 26, 2024 100% complete

Prio 1 - Mandatory:

Prio 1 - Mandatory:

  • [CI/Tooling] Adapt to new semver lib version (fails tests, blocks all PRs)
  • [CI/Tooling] Fix module Jenkins pipelines
    (@BenjaminAmos (BSA), @jdrueckert (Niruandaleth))
  • [Java 17] Fix introduced issues (e.g., component fields)
    (@BenjaminAmos (BSA), @jdrueckert (Niruandaleth), @skaldarnar)
    • Terasology/Behaviors#115
    • find consensus on meaning and serialization-relevance of different visibility levels for component fields and document it
      • adjust serialization code to exclude non-public fields
      • make all component fields public
      • adjust serialization documentation for maintainers decision by requestor skal to not do
      • adjust ECS documentation for developers
  • [Performance] continue investigating performance issues (chunk gen/load-related stuttering) based on CoreGameplay
    (@BenjaminAmos (BSA))

Prio 2 - Nice to Have:

  • [Engine Refactorings] AGS screen overhaul (merge WorldSetupScreen into UniverseSetupScreen) #5226 #5241
    (@jdrueckert (Niruandaleth))
  • [Engine Refactorings] QA improvements
    (@jdrueckert (Niruandaleth))
  • [ ] Investigate flaky integration tests (ExampleTest tests, related to sporadic NPE in chunk lighting) postponed
    (@jdrueckert (Niruandaleth), @skaldarnar)
  • [ ] [Java 17] Upgrade the bundled JREs for the Terasology Launcher postponed to future milestone

Prio 3 - Optional:

  • [Orga] clean up GitHub teams
    (@jdrueckert (Niruandaleth))
  • [Engine Refactorings] additional refactorings postponed
    (@jdrueckert (Niruandaleth))